Forecast for tomorrow; A few sprinkles of genius with a chance of doom. .............

Aug 07, 2010 19:27

I'm enjoying some long over due vacation time..Well, it felt like that at least when it was 35 C outside and I had to work. It felt like I would never get my time. But finally. I'm on my first week ( out of two ). Well, it's not much but at least it's something.
The weather isn't that great but I don't mind. At least it's not raining. Not yet..;)
I'm still doing driving lessons to try to get my license. I will take the written exam next month and then the driving exam thingy. That part freaks me out 'cause you have the examiner right there beside you just judging you. 
But I'm trying not to think about that...I will surely freak out as it gets closer to that date.

* I'm working my way through season 3 of Mad Men. And that show blows me away. It's so freaking sad in a way because all characters are so broken. But the story itself is so real and so well written. I just watched the episode where Don finally admits the truth about himself to Betty and the acting was perfect and I cried a little...As always....

* Is it me or don't you think Eric is the most interested character in True Blood? Well, Franklin is hilarious. And he better not be dead.
But why have they written Sookie as so f-cking annoying! I wanted to slap her more than once.

* Rookie Blue...I have a small, small crush on Ben Bass ( Sam ). What can I say...The eyes..He looks like a puppy with those eyes....

* Have anyone read The Pillars of the earth? I'm loving the show so I bought the book. I hope it's as good.
Isn't Eddie Redmayne just gorgous?..*sigh*..The man played Angel Clare in the new version of one of my favorite books Tess of the D'Urbervilles and he's in The yellow handkerchief ( opposite ice -queen- can't-act Kristen Stewart ;( ) So the man is just perfect.

* I just finished watching the two first episodes of Sherlock and I just loved it...
Best lines from the show:
Holmes: Shut up!
Lestrade: I didn't say anything.
Holmes: You were thinking. It's annoying.

and the epic:

Shut up, Anderson. Every time you open your mouth you lower the IQ of the whole street.


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