To all of my fellow D&D nerds, i give onto you-- EVERY FEAT FROM EVERYSOURCE.................... for FREEEEEE! I would reccomend looking at all of these. My drow in the game im' running will be godlike (at level 12), with my piwafwi, and a few feats-- i can sneak attack someone, hide again, kill someon else, hide again, ect... there is a feat the lessens the -20 to hide when sniping/sneak attacking a flat-footed enemie, and! i have the feats Stealthly (+2), Skill focus hide (+3), Dex mod +5, ranks +14, Drow Piwafwi +10, that's +34 right there, then add my d20 roll... Then i might go, shadow dancer. get mighty cleave as well... and i'de be able to clear a room with my Darts and double daggers.