Becka, Thank you for the lovely picture!
After watching Outbreak, which is one of my favorite movies, I just wanted to learn more about the Ebola virus. I just love it (and not the way you think). I hate that is killing people and everything but there is something about Ebola thats attracts me to it. I just love movies that´re about natural catastrophe, such as "the day after tomorrow" and "Twister" and "Dante´s Peak".
In the movie they show the world how the Ebola process is done, but there is one thing that the movie shows us is that´s airborne. But according to the research isn´t airborne instead it goes threw blood.
Another thing that the movie shows us is that the anti-virus is in the monkey. SO the monkey has both the virus and the anti-virus, and that is true!
I know that the Ebola just destroys the human body but it´s just so fascinating and amazing.
some facts about ebola: People infected with Ebola virus have sudden fever, weakness, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash, limited kidney and liver functions, and both internal and external bleeding. Death rates range from 50% to 90%.
This is Ebola!!