WOOT! I'm Leto!!! He's so HOT!! He's my Background too!!! ^_^

Jan 09, 2006 14:17

Leto II The God Emperor: Son to Chani and Paul. You
are the twin brother of Ghanima. You are the
future Emperor of Dune. To some you will be
known as a tyrannt to others a savior to
humanity. You willingly do what your father
couldn't.....sacrificing your own humanity for
humans to follow The Golden Path. You become a
human-worm hybrid to secure the destiny of all
humans. You are compassionate even when others
hate you. You seem arrogant at times because
you are extremely mature beyond your years. You
demystify your father's image. Unfortunately
you remain a virgin Emperor due to your
transformation. The only woman you love desires
another man. In the end your plan to save
humanity succeeds. You and your reign over the
universe lasts over 3,000 years.

Which Dune Character are you? (For Dune Fans & With Pics!!!)
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