Jan 04, 2006 15:25
Spanking/Smacking Words
OTK- Over The Knee Brian was the only one who got this one ^_^;
T-Talk/Threat <---shouldn't have put it on the quiz
H-Hand (Brian, again, GOOD JOB!)
Wh-Whip (Again, Brian, three gold stars!!)
Sw-Switch (Brian...been swithced a lot by your mistress? jk) ^_^
Pdl-Paddle (Brian, Jerrod, and Stephanie all got it right!) ^_^
W-Witness <---shouldn't have put that in either
Und-Underwear/pants down/ skirt or dress raised <---ditto...
RC-Riding Crop (Jerrod, type of Cola cracked me up though!!) ^_^
Sl-Slipper <---Since we're not in England or DragonSapphire's family...no sense
Brb-Bare Bottom
Cne-Cane (Brian, you were the closest, caning, the action...)
Other CP Words
BDSM- Bondage, Domination, Sadomashocism (You all got it right!)
S- Sasist (again all of you got it right)
D- Dominant (not Demon, Jerrod...) ^_^
T- (uhhhh.....I don't remember what this means...Tit works I guess) ^_^;
B- (uhhhh...forgot this one too...bondage works though...) ^_^;
NGTY-Naughty (you all got it right!!)
PN- (a typo, I forgot I already did "PN" aka Pain)
SW- (i forgot...swingers works too...or sex swing...) ^_^;