... And There Goes The Plunderer. This. Country. Is. Going. To. The. WORMS.
Join The Counter-Revolution!
"We Must Dissent"
by ace (
Inaction breeds fertile ground for evil. The question of fecundity is correlative to the action of people and is inversely proportional. Why then is there no action from the Filipino people? Perhaps the most ignored of these facets is that Filipinos do no like other Filipinos. Unity by social consciousness is therefore faced with a contingent difficulty by means of the most basic function of the unconscious. The filipino driver, when overtaken by another driver, is often prompted to take out their anger with a pistol. Who wants to defend a country where a double homicide committed by a lawyer is given bail? Who wants to defend a country where people rape children and put them in sacks of rice and throw them down a river to drown them? Who wants to defend a country who stuff children in bags and throws them to manila bay?
All these questions even when not answered bring about a certain damage to the Filipino person's social cohesion by virtue to not wanting to identify with these offenders who in turn are subconsciously identified as Filipino. I do not want to be identified as a child killer and I do not want to be identified as a child-rapist. There can be little outrage for a nation who is being plundered by people in power while actions such as these are tolerated.
The idea of a psychic punishment or a self flagellation for the sins of a nation is perhaps entrenched within the filipino social consciousness but then this would seem paradoxical to the statement i made earlier that there is a detestation of identifying oneself with the filipino society. the act of detestation is but a mere reaction but is never really fully realized unless one is born outside of the country and consciously adopts a completely different form of ritual and practices and tradition aside from the filipino people. one is still a filipino even after sending mail that one will go to another country because of cesar montano.
intolerance of the practice of taking advantage of others is perhaps our best measure of reunifying the filipino social consciousness. not just mere intolerance by passivity but intolerance by action.
if one sees a person walking even when there is a foot bridge above, a filipino must practice intolerance. one cannot be passive in this instance. if one sees a person mow down a pedestrian, one must practice intolerance. if one sees another person litter, one must practice intolerance. if one sees oneself taking advantage of a groupmate, one must practice intolerance.
purge the status quo, abolish the idea of the apathetic filipino. destroy what is 'ok lang yan di naman nakakasakit e' and adopt a form of radicalism strong enough to affect those around you. but most of all practice intolerance of corruption. even when one finds it with oneself. self-flagellation is not the answer. psychic execution is.