Big Finish: Evelyn Smythe post

Sep 30, 2014 10:07

For those of you who don't know, Maggie Stables (Evelyn from the Doctor Who Big Finish audios) died on Sept. 26. Evelyn is possibly my favorite original BF companion (it comes down to her and Charley). I haven't listened to all of her audios yet, but of the ones I've heard, I most strongly recommend The Marian Conspiracy and Doctor Who and the Pirates. Big Finish's Evelyn Audios: I used the Big Finish filter to come up with this list of the audios she's been in. All are available for downloading, and most are available on CD as well.

Anyway, I went looking online for Evelyn-related posts and found some for artwork, audio reviews, fanfic, icons, and more. Did you know that someone crocheted an Evelyn doll? Now I kind of want to learn to crochet just so I can make that doll. And even though I don't drink tea, I kind of want to buy Evelyn-inspired tea (at least two blends are available!).

This is by no means a comprehensive list of Evelyn-related items. I'm sure I missed a lot of great material; feel free to add links in the comments section.

6th and Evelyn: wallpaper, Evelyn with the Sixth Doctor in his blue coat.
Always Go For the Cliche: Evelyn's motto.
Companion Sketch: Evelyn
Doctor Smythe and Doctor Who
Evelyn and Six: #1.
Evelyn and Six: #2.
Evelyn and Six dancing
Evelyn for the Win: a stamp.
Evelyn the Pirate Queen: with Mermaid!Six.
An Excellent Solution To Many Of Life's Problems: Six and Evelyn making a chocolate cake.
Five Minutes: Six and Evelyn.
Possibility: Seven and Evelyn.
Sixie, Evelyn and Cocoa
Songs to fill the air: Six/Evelyn dancing.

TARDIS Data Core
Wikipedia entry

Audio Recs: a little discussion of Evelyn audios with recommendations.
The Complete Sixth Doctor Adventures (so far...): reviews.
Reviews: covers the earlier Evelyn audios.

All About Evelyn
Evelyn Companion Love Thread
Evelyn Smythe: A History of Awesome
Evelyn Smythe and Whippersnappers
Why I Love Evelyn Smythe...

Calufrax Evelyn Fanfic Recs: recommendations of fic posted at A Teaspoon and an Open Mind that includes Evelyn.
Evelyn-Tagged Fic at An Archive of Our Own
Whoniverse Random Pairing Generator: fanfic inspiration if you want to write your own stories. Refresh until you get Evelyn as part of the random pairing. Examples: "Fey Truscott-Sade / Evelyn Smythe / a swimming pool" and "Adam Mitchell / Evelyn Smythe / Japan."

Colin Baker/Maggie Stables Icon: one of a number of Big Finish icons on this page.
Evelyn Icon: #41.
Evelyn Icons: from Real Time, various Big Finish audios, fanart.
Six Evelyn Icons
Three Evelyn Icons: scroll down the page. They're also on this page as icons #26, 27, and 28.
Two Evelyn Icons: they were made as gifts for me; scroll down to the "ghost2" section to find them, along with several other BF icons.

Crocheted Evelyn Doll and her handbag with contents
Evelyn clothing and accessories suggestions: or, how to dress like Evelyn. Items are available for purchase.
Evelyn-inspired tea blend #1: available for purchase.
Evelyn-inspired tea blend #2: also available for purchase.
Real Time webcast: featuring Evelyn.

I'd love a recipe for Evelyn's chocolate cake, if anyone has one.

big finish

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