For those of you who are in the other lounge, or who don't belong to TBBS, here is the deal...We have ALL been trying to send rain to Australia, either through prayer or positive thinking or whatever...well, without success, I had an idea...I started a thread in the Vice lounge, (maybe one of you could start a duplicate in the other lounge) called " A Concentrated Effort"
If we all synchronize our time the moment, I think mcmac is taking on the math...we shall decide on a time and, at that moment, all of us, wherever in the world we are, will either shout to the skies or pray earnestly, or appeal to whatever Rain Deity you PLEASE SEND RAIN TO OZ!
This drought has gone on for how many years; well, enough to completely EMPTY a lake!
Well, it can't hurt; and, maybe, with all of us trying this at the same moment in time, it MIGHT work. The way I see it is...maybe God is having a hard time hearing one voice at a time through all the weapons-fire, hate, and violence in this world. If we say that one thing all at the same moment, the roar of our combined voices should rattle the windows of Heaven. He stands a much better chance of hearing everybody at once.
Please pass the thought on to your friends, relatives, and especially UFOs, and let's make another serious effort to get some rain over there.
I'm making this entry Public so more people can see it and maybe participate.