Oct 18, 2006 15:05
If you're still in band at North, you might not believe me, but someday you will grow up and leave the band, and you will realize that some of things Mr. Moore said aren't so crazy after all.
I think my personal favorite is:
"If we don't make finals, don't let it be because we didn't practice hard enough or we weren't ready. Make it because the other bands had great shows or we got a judge that didn't like our show. Make sure we did everything we could, and then we can be happy with whatever happens."
I think that's one of the most important things anyone has ever told me.
If you get a B+ on your Gatsby paper, but you worked harder on it than any other paper in your life, who cares? It's worth much more than so many As, and it will make you a better writer.
If your colorguard instructor moves away right before you become guard captain, do everything you can to make it a success anyway. Maybe the third movement will never be clean, but you know what? You might have a great show that everyone loves (including the judges), and when you get off the field you're crying because every ounce of your soul has been devoted to that show and these kids for the last three months, and you're so proud. You won't care what the judges tapes say then, because you know you did your best.
Now let's say you're auditioning for a really great drum corps and you're scared out of your mind.
You could
A) Be afraid of failure and let your flag collect dust in the corner
B) Practice every day and know that if you get cut, it's not because you didn't try... and hey! you'll be that much better for whatever corps you end up with.
Here goes nothing...