
May 25, 2009 20:45

Stupid car. 'Twas fine Friday night, but I was about to head to the arts festival this afternoon and noticed one tire was flat. As in utterly empty. Surprise! Anyway, spent a good 40 minutes cleaning out the trunk of the car to get to the spare, then putting it on, then since I had all the car stuff out anyway, checking fluids and topping off the coolant. By that time it was getting a bit late, plus I was sweaty, completely covered in disgusting wheel grunge, and in no condition to be around other humans. No arts for Cori! And now I have to get up early tomorrow and stop by the tire shop before work. *mumblemumble* Somebody better get on the ball with inventing personal teleports. Or at least jetpacks. We were supposed to have jetpacks by 2009.

Better news, discovered some hairy vetch in the veggie patch. It's really very pretty, and a good nitrogen fixer as well as a butterfly attractor. Yay!

Edit: Tire past the point of no return. Turns out Firestone does not recommend using tires that are over ten years old. :P Now have a set of four brand new ones. I'm not sure what else the mechanic did to the car, or if it was just a matter of uneven wear, but it's not pulling to the right anymore! Will have to make sure and go in for rotation/rebalancing on schedule, if that's all it takes. Especially since it's included in the warranty.

garden, car

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