Knitting Resolution #1 (finish 11 projects in 2011) is going swimmingly... I'm about 2 hours from my third finish of the year. Obviously this goal is too attainable, so another resolution must be made.
I hereby declare 2011 to be the year of Finish ALL The Things!. Everything that was on the needles as of 1/1/2011 must be OFF the needles as of 1/1/2012. Either finished, frogged, or thrown out - but not just sitting forlornly in a basket and taking up space. There are some UFOs around here that have been in limbo since 2005 2004, and that's just a bit ridiculous. (Let's not even get into the partly-done cross stitches. No, really. At least they're easier to store.)
List from which to Cross Things Off with Great Satisfaction (in approximate order of pleasedness):
Slippery Socks - knit up to the first gusset in summer '09, finished sock #1 last month, one left.
Experimental Snowflake Socks - first sock knit in spring 2008, started sock #2 yesterday and expect to finish it tonight. :) Done 2/11!
Druid Mittens (fall 2008) - all done by 1/09 except for the thumbs. I have NO EXCUSE for not completing these.
Teal Wrap Sweater - improvised pattern worked down to the bustline and then abandoned for smaller prey in summer of '09. Need to decide on a closure so I can finish this and reclaim my size 4 bamboo circs! Binned. Discovered when I went to try it on for fit that the &^%$#@ MOTHS chomped a number of sizeable holes. I wanted to cry. This yarn knit up beautifully, and the color's been discontinued for years. Still have 3 full skeins, though, 2 of which have been in plastic the whole time... still, what a waste.
Juno Regina Stole - One end and about 10" of the center section done, got bored with acres and acres of stockinette. 2/19: Not terribly happy with how this is going. SOMETHING chewed the yarn up badly while it was sitting, so there are now a bunch of woven-in ends in the new section that look bad with the lace. Worked most of end #2, but I want to aggressively block end #1 to see if any holes pop up before I spend too much more time on this.
Raglan Shrug Thing - Started last fall, put down after getting frustrated trying to fix a mistake. Not too excited about how it's turning out anyway... will probably frog and start over on an actual pattern that will take advantage of the yarn's crisp stitch definition. Frogged 2/19. Will probably use the yarn for either Decimal or Spring Fling from Knitty. Eventually.
Fuzzy Tunic Vest - knitted bottom up, stopped in 2007 about 3" of ribbing from dividing for armholes because I couldn't decide on a neckline. Uninspiring. Need to find a pattern to cannibalize and just power through this, because Red Heart Symphony CANNOT be ripped back.
OU Crocheted Throw - started sometime in 2004(!) and abandoned after crocheting about 40" and realizing that it's not even wide enough for a good lap blanket. Will probably work until I run out of yarn and donate it to the animal shelter - RH Super Saver is not worth frogging.
Horseshoe Lace THING - giant lace swatch in fuzzy blue fake mohair that was going to be a sweater front, but the edges are too scalloped. Keep going for a wrap or bind off the square for a spare catghan?