This warms my geeky little heart! So...who's playing what?
I think Belle would play a half-Orc ('cause, you know, beauty is found within). She'd also be the rules-lawyer of the game since she's read all the books.
Aurora would play an Elven ranger, since she grew up in the woods. Or maybe a necromancer. ^_^ She's the one who tries to get everyone to do what the DM wants.
Cinderella would play a Paladin, because she's like the ultimate long-suffering heroine. I could see her dressing up like her character even though they're playing tabletop. ("I bought this pendant because my character made me!")
Rapunzel's the bouncy newbie who doesn't really know the game and plays an Elven archer-mage, just because. She'd also be the one who draws up portraits of all the characters.
Tiana would cook for everyone on game night, and play...let's see... a cleric, I think. She's the one who points out the holes in everyone's plans.
Ariel would play a halfling rogue. Or maybe a sorcerer who works through music. She forgets to show up to half the games.
Jasmine...not sure about the class, but she'd play a character who's aggravatingly mysterious and cryptic, and nobody's sure who's side she's actually on. Maybe an illusion-based sorcerer?
Pocahontas is tough. Probably a cleric of some nature-based religion. She's the player who can short-circuit an entire, carefully plotted out campaign with a single action, like killing the crucial NPC in the first session.
Merida and Mulan would play different subclasses of warriors (Is there a ninja subclass? It's been a while...). They'd spend as much time trying to outdo each other as actually fighting the bad guys. Snow White probably wants to kill them both.