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泣かないことが 強いことなんて
"Holding in your tears will make you stronger"
Who told you that??
思い切り泣いて ほら、顔をあげて
We all need to cry sometimes so come on, keep your head up.
傷つく事から 逃げてた
We run away so that we don't get hurt
Saying goodbye to yesterday
まだ 風は強いけど
There's still a strong wind but
勝ち負けだけじゃ わからない
Winning and losing isn't enough to understand,
ホントの強さ 知るために
To know your true strength
It might take getting hurt again
凹んだら 深呼吸
If you feel hollow, just take a deep breath
信じる道 進め!!
Then carry on down the path you believe in!!
鳴らせ 鳴らせ 心のファンファーレ
Let it shout, let it shout, the fanfare of your heart!
響け 届け 今、高らかに
Let the sound reach out, right now at the top of your voice
負けたから 終わるんじゃない
Even if you lose and it never stops
きっときっと 始まるさ
Surely, for definite, it's beginning
The true you inside your heart
みんなといるより ひとりがいいって
"You can be with everyone, but it's better to be alone"
Who said something like that??
きっと どこかで 君を思ってる
I'm positive, wherever you are someone is thinking of you.
高い山ほど 見下ろす時には
Looking down from a tall mountain makes it worth the climb
It's a brilliant feeling
まだ 先は遠いけど
But again the last thing seems so far away
大きく大きく 背伸びして
Bigger and bigger you'll grow
青空に届け もう1センチ
You're one more centimetre from touching the sky
イライラしても いい
Being annoyed is fine
クヨクヨしても いい
Worrying is fine too
信じる道 行こう!!
Just keep going on the path you believe in!!
パラパ パラパ♪
Parapa Parapa♪
パラパ パラパ♪
Parapra Parapra♪
鳴らせ 鳴らせ 心のファンファーレ
Shout it out, shout it out, the fanfare of your heart!
響け 届け 今、高らかに
Let the sound reach out, right now at the top of your voice
負けたから 終わるんじゃない
Even if you lose and it never stops
きっときっと 始まるさ
Surely, for definite, it's beginning
そうさ ホントの強さが
Your true strength
The true you inside your heart