(no subject)

Apr 19, 2011 13:17

I am so very, very, mad at Valve. I respect them as a company, and when shit works it's fantastic, but sdflksadjWDJG;KHAWREGK;EAJKLAEGH

I preordered L4D2, I got all excite. Turns out I was bugged and had to wait a day at least.

I caved in and preordered Portal 2 (mainly in hope of getting a Companion Cube pin in TF2, which I later got from the ARG as a resurrection pin and got a CC pin, so now I have two fml.) and what happens?

I have two of the major bugs making the game unplayable. I can't even fuck around with the store because the second bug boots be off while the first crashes it to the desktop if I load a level.

A lot of people had the same issues with L4D2, which makes it recurring. Valve, if this is a recurring issue get a computer which does this and use it to test this shit. I worked my fucking ass off with the ARG and putting that counter down and hyruskio had to get most of my Potatoes because I couldn't at the time, so he had to get far, far more than anyone else at the time. 26. Everyone else just had to get 13.

Fix this shit Valve.

On that note, I have a copy of Portal kicking around if anyone wants it, just add me on Steam or comment here if I know you, you play at ygodressing or you're on my friends list.

Edit: Another thing

They knew there was a chance it would be released at a stupid time at night/morning, so why the fuck is nobody there to start patching shit? If they came along and said 'We're aware of this' it's much better than ignoring us and the problem - Notch came across the same way, then fixed it and showed that it was a priority and everyone shut up about it because the potential fix is coming. Communication really, really fucking helps guys.


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