Apologies for not posting this earlier, it completely slipped my mind. There's a different deadline for this week to make up for it.
techno, a note for you in the comments.
Taking a page out of
mizugazipan's book, this week's theme is Plain Jane. This week you are not allowed to use any effects, no decoration, no add-ons. Basically this is the week to showcase your cropping and coloring skills! Now to copy and paste most of her post. A complete list would be:
- No brushes
- No textures
- No light textures
- No gradients
- No patterns
- No masks
- No automated effects (like Drop-Shadow or Halftone)
- No tiny text (in case anyone does not consider this a brush category)
You may use text, color adjustment, contrast adjustment, color layers, blend modes, sharpening, blurring, and borders of solid colors. (None of that dotted nonsense ;P) If you have a question about the validity of a tool, then don't be afraid to ask.
The standard requirements are as follows:
01; Your icon(s) must fit LJ standards: 100x10o, 40kb or less.
02; No posting your icon(s) until after the theme is over.
03; Icons should be freshly made, and not participating in any other icontest/awards communities.
Members are allowed to submit two icons if you should choose to do so.
Submit like so:
http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/7453/image12oe.pngMovie: Howl's Moving Castle
Icons should be submitted to this screened post by SUNDAY, July 29th, at 11:00 PM EST If I am late with posting the voting, then late entries will be accepted.