My Brain ~ on a Verge of Exploding

Jan 04, 2016 20:46

A new year has started and there are still a lot of things on my "to do" list for 2015 that is still not done.

Since I started loving Arashi, my list expanded longer where I'm positively sure will not be done anytime soon in the near future. And that included being able to read and speak Nihongo fluently.

I have memorized all Kanas and is able to read some japanese texts in Hirigana and Katakana. But leveling up from there is the real problem. It took me most of my younger years memorizing how to read and pronounce Filipino and English letters, which only consists about less than 30 when combined (they're almost the same with the exception of some extra filipino letters). And how the hell can I memorize 3000 Kanji scripts! Most of them look identical to me, and not to mention the number of strokes and meanings. Anatomy is easier than this.

I'm seriously getting a headache after trying to memorize at least 5 kanjis a day. And I only started last week and I only have 10 kanjis memorized. It's like having a marathon with a snail and me being on the losing side. Maybe 1 kanji every 5 days is better so my brain can rest, and I will be done with it just after 5 years or so- Oh-chan will be in his 40s by then...

Well the only solution is to do my best! Here is my proposed 1-hour/day study schedule:

10mins. - watcch an Arashi show (warm up)
5 mins. - study 1 Kanji Script
10mins. - watch an Arashi show (50% hyped up)
5 mins. - study 1 Kanji Script
10mins. - watch an Arashi show (100% hyped)
5 mins. - study 1 Kanji Script
15mins. - watch an Arashi show (cooling down)

There! This sched us just perfect!

play hard, study hard

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