Mar 25, 2006 10:31
Chapter 1--Basics
Initials: KJW
Birthday: feb 10th 87
Current location: in front of the computer
Height: 5'8
Hair length: it is medium
Eye color: Blue
Piercings: my ears are pierced twice
Chapter 2--Family
Do you live with your parents?: yes ido
Do you get along with your parents?: Usually
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: Married
Do you have any siblings?: NICOLE and Melissa, and i guess chris is my brother now and i have left him out of all other survey's i'll have to start countng him
What pets do you have?: none.
Chapter 3--Favorites
City: hawaii
Ice cream flavor: nerd ice cream
Season: Spring!! and its almost here i cna feel it
Clothing brand: Vanity
Color: yellow
Number: 52
Shape: triangle
Girl's Name:
Boy's Name:
Place to vacation: hawaii
Foods: mostly ne thing but chineese
Candy: Red Vines
Chapter 4--Do You ...
Sing in the shower?: yes, of course
Write memos on your hand?: not normally
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: yes, on the right side and i cant sleep right newhere else in my bed
Wear glasses or contacts?: none
Have any weird habits: uh. probably lots of them, i dunno.
Have any bad habbits: yeah. if u know me u know my bad habbits
Dislike something about yourself: i am phat
Chapter 5--Have You Ever...
Worn braces?: nope
Broken a bone?: yes
Had stitches?: a bunch in my face
Shoplifted?: yeah
Punched someone in the face?: Nope. i've wanted to a lots of times tho
Skipped school?: yes. all the time.
Taken painkillers?: Yup
Gone scuba diving?: nope
Been stung by a bee?: Yup
Thrown up in a restaurant?: no
Been to overnight camp?: Yeah
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: yes. how else would he know what i wanted?
Been sent to the principals office?: actully i dont think so
Been called a bitch?: yea
Chaper 6--Who/What was the last..
Person to IM you?: jeff
Person to call you?: andre
Person you hugged?: um. kyle
Person to Message you on Myspace: Ashley
Person you tackled?: britta
Thing you touched?: Key board
Thing you ate?: eggs
Drank?: diet coke