Jul 23, 2004 14:57
Today has gone ok. no one is online, and no one is posting. this sucks. so i have decided that i will post something. i am probably going to go see a movie tomnight or tomorow, not sure yet. eithr catwoman, or the bourne supremecy. most likely the latter one. if you would like to go see it with me, call me on my cell, or leave a post, and ill check it later today.
so far the day is slow. everyone is tired over here. i finished up my editing that i had to do because the wrong stats were used. by the time i was halfway done, it was time to decide where we were going to eat for lunch, and go to lunch. we got back around 2. i finished up the project around 2:45. and i have nothing that i want to do right now. i guess ill read some reports, and check back later.