Jul 27, 2006 10:29
Email thread: From tiffany to me
I dont know what to say or where to start, but I would give anything to have you in my life. I am already pretty sure this isn't going to happen, and Im not going to perpetuate trying to act like Im someone you dont know, I just wanted the chance to say a few things to you and I think that if you knew who this was, I wouldnt have gotten the chance...
I fucked up bad, and it has never left me how badly I wish I could fix things with us
If I never get the chance to say another word to you, I am so sorry.
I wish that we could at least be friends. I'd like to be able to see you to talk about this, but Im not hoping too hard
From me to tiffany
So you and tom break up. then you try and get Nathan and move to FL. Then you try and get a hold of me. Sounds like your floundering and out of acceptable options.
Good bye. I would prefer that you don't contact me again. You are the worst thing that ever happened to me. I'm keeping as far away from you as possible.
Whats next? calling Greg Moritz?
Have a nice day.
From Tiffany to me
No that's not the case and I dont know why you think its that way, but I cant change your mind. I didnt want to say anything to you while I was with Tom out of respect for him and for the fact that you asked me to leave you alone for a year. Honestly, and I dont care if you tell him this at this point or not, but I wasn't over you the whole time I was with him. No I am not floundering or out of any sort of options, I have plenty of those, but that doesnt make any of them into what I want. Im not trying to desperately cling to anything or anyone and I am living my life for myself... I just wanted to talk to you and I was hoping that you would be open minded enough to at least do that once. I wasnt trying to get Nathan to move to Fla for any reason other than the fact that he's in a pretty bad place and I thought it might help him out if he had a place to be without paying rent and without staying at Bugg's parents house anymore, and if he's talking shit then it goes both ways because he was talking to me too. I was over there a couple days ago to hang out with him and Chris. I havent thought about Greg Moritz in years and I have no interest in talking to him. I have nothing against him but I also have no investment there. You're insisting on believing that I cant/havent changed or learned anything from the things that have happened to me and around me. I am sorry that you feel like Im the worst thing that ever happened to you, Im sure you know that's a hurtful thing to hear but Im not going to take that as any kind of final word, because I didnt mean to hurt you or cause problems like that. I never meant to put you in a place to hate me, which is apparently all I succeeded in doing. I have the proof if you really want to know what I have said/thought about you over time, and its not probably what you would expect. Im not saying I wasnt fucked up, or that things were right between us but you meant a lot to me regardless of my ability to show you. I wish you would reconsider giving me the chance to be a person in your eyes. I am not trying to get you to date me or love me or fuck me or anything. I just want you to be a part of my life as a friend or even just an aquaintance. I just want the chance to prove myself, but Iike I said in the first place Im not going to expect much from this. What can I do do show you this isnt what you think?
From me to tiffany
You need something in your life that im not willing to give you. Just put it away, move on, its obviously just a pointless endeavor.
Have a nice life.
From Tiffany to me
What is it that you think I need Greg? I dont know what you mean by that, or why it would be something you're not willing to give unless its cause you're stuck on what's already passed. I have plenty of people and things in my life that make me happy, im not by any means want for that. Im happy to put it away. It was put away the day you came to poppy's to get your shit from me cause you changed your mind about taking me back while you were on the way over...that was the end, and this isnt even a new chapter, its a different serial. I have moved on. Ive moved on to all kinds of things but that doesnt matter. Im not in love with you, I dont want to be with you, I want to be your friend. Why is that too much to ask?
From me to TIffany
Yes its way too much to ask, you need me in your life as a friend. I dont need you in my life as a friend. I dont want you in my life as a friend. As a matter of fact if necessary ill get a friendly judge to issue a friendly restraining order.
From Tiffany to me
I dont *need* shit from you. I just wanted to give it a shot, and obviously you're gonna handle this in your typical theatrical fashion. Im sorry I mentioned it.
From Me to Tiffany
THANK YOU FOR FINALLY GETTING THE POINT!!! If you had listened to my first email I wouldn't have needed to repeat myself over and over. I swear your about as dense as depleted uranium.
From Tiffany to me
well you've got a pretty high opinion of yourself if you think that you need to threaten me to keep me away from you. You're a BS artist, and even the people that you call your friends know it. Im not gonna start slinging insults cause I know your temper and its a waste of time, but I'll just say that I hope someday you stop being so fucking narrowminded.
From me to tiffany
Looks like you already did... If being a "bullshit artist" gets you away from me, and or being so "fucking narrowminded" does the same. Then i'm glad i developed these personality traits.
From tiffany to me
Haha...its not about "developed" dude, its about who you are...or at least the "who you are" that you chose to be around me. Im not saying that im closed to the idea that you could have changed, but it sure doesnt seem like it. Im sorry for wasting your time and pissing you off, Im sticking to the fact that since this is likely the last time I will ever have contact with you, I just wanted to apologize, even if it falls on deaf ears.
From Me to Tiffany
You should really drop the word likely from that and every one will be happy!
Where exactly did i bullshit in any of that?
Wow apparently people dont get how to GO THE HELL AWAY
Apparently they do it just takes a while