Oct 27, 2005 16:28
boston had a nice little laugh at the expense of a certain naive californian today.
i woke up and it was 36 degrees outside- maybe 20 degrees lower than i've ever experienced.
i get in my car and drive up the street a little before i notice that i cant see out of my windshield. i turn on the windshield wipers and it does absolutely nothing.
"what the hell's wrong with my wipers?" i think.
and then i notice it.
it's ICE on my windshield. a huge sheet of ice that looks like a huge pane of dew. i turn on the defrost but i realize that it's just heating the inside of the windshield, not the outside part where the ice is. so i stop my car in the street (a small street, mind you) and in the 36 degree weather, get out and manually crack and wipe off the ice.
im trying to brave the elements, i really am.
what else...
ah yes. heard a dirty little story today. a family law case in texas.
a girl got a paternity test done and it didnt match to her boyfriend. she fervently and persistently swore that he was the only one she'd slept with. so much so that the judge ordered 3 more paternity tests, which all consequently proved again that the boyfriend was not the father.
TURNS OUT that the dumbass boyfriend had, at one time, run out of condoms and used a USED one of his roommate's. he turned it inside out so that he could have the 'clean side'. bada bing bada boom, the baby is the roommate's.
i am no longer surprised that texas produced bush.