today was such a busy but really good day. well really it was a great weekend.
sarah was here..and we got to hang out and catch up and touch each other a lot. lol. i love that girl.
we got to go skating together which was loads of fun.
i love you sarah. <3
Today Morgan took Maia out for a girly day, so Teejay and i took that opportunity to get the house as clean as we could in 3 hours. We got a LOT done, but it still does not look anywhere near what i want it to look like. but, we made some a lot of clutter out. Mainly, i packed up 3 big garbage bags full of toys that maia no longer plays with...and we're going to be selling them at a yard sale at Liz and Josh's place once the ground is dry enough and the weather is nice enough to have a decent yard sale. I have to do the same purge with every room in the house. Teejay got maia's room cleaned up and it looks adorable.
I did a buttload of dishes, but then we found other random dishes around the house, so i still have more to do. lol. OH, something really creepy happened while i was doing dishes. This creepy old dude walked into our yard and was trying to see what was on our back porch. i guess he didn't think we were home because i didn't park the car in the yard like usual. so i opened the kitchen window and said "uhhh..excuse me..what do you think you're doing?"...and he just waved me off and left. Needless to say..i locked all the doors and called teejay and told him to hurry back from his walk with Simon. Fuckin creepy old guys.
I then picked up Maia and headed home to greet my company. Andrea and T came over and had chinese food with us. It was so good to see them both. I didn't realize it had been so bloody long. I've just been so god damn busy..but i realize now i HAVE to make time for people that are important to me, because one sided friendships are not cool and i have not been making much of an effort at all with a lot of people. I'm having a really hard time adjusting to being back at work at a high stress job, and juggling everything else too. so anyways..point being that i need to just make the time to see people that mean a lot to A & T.
i got a cute pic of the kids...don't mind my messy kitchen in the background..i didn't really get to cleaning that today. lol
i am going to go lay my sleeping baby down.. he totally passed out as i was typing this. he's so precious.