Mar 06, 2005 21:38
fry day hannah, nora and i got stranded at school till 4. but we had good laughs. i love them! need more of that kinda time in the day.
had a nice talk with geneva.
saturday. got up and saw it wasn't raining. got all my dance stuff on and went to alexandria for the st. patrick's day parade. it was kinda cold when we were just standing around but when we danced it was fine. i didn't have white gloves, oops. i danced with rachel so i had to be the boy, but it was alright except for when i had to bring my arms over her head. and we danced a step and the 2 hand and i was scared i wasn't gonna be able to do it, but nothing hurt and it felt so good. oh mann. i'm free. but i still can't totally point. so i'm gonna go to dance tomorrow but to the class after my beginners mom doesn't think i'm ready for my class, so we'll see how that goes. at least i get to be with katie!
we had mexican food for super late lunch. stuffed. came home and babysat calvin and spencer. 30 bucks!
sunday. church. man i needed that. i was to a point where i just needed that atmosphere and it was good. the crazy lady came. haha. she wasn't as crazy as she was up at shrine mont, but when she was reading the gospel everytime someone spoke she would change her voice, it was entertaining. she has a russian daughter and they were speaking russian at coffee hour. cool. ashley and i dipped out for the presentation thing and went up to the library and talked. <3.
got brunch. took a nap till 3. babysat till 8. 27 more dolla's.
i have a lott of money. need to spend. now.
things i'm looking forward to:
1. friday- hot hot heat
2. sunday- dc st. patrick's day parade
3. st. patrick's day- favorite holiday
4. spring break- not going anywhere but still a break
5. SENIOR HIGH WEEKEND- at shrine mont