I know this sounds weird, but it all started cuz of them So.Cal awards. Just a few facts before you read this convo from 3 weeks ago
- My AIM was fucking up on the sidekick. So messages were sent 5-40 mins late (youll notice this in some parts) and therefore there was a lot of miscommunication
- I in no way was I trying to ridicule Blake for entertainment. I'm just givig my honest observational opinion.
- It is very long, but you will notice how the miscommunication creates problems
djangorienhardt: If I win ugliest male on your poll
djangorienhardt: I will put it on my modeling resume
djangorienhardt: Because I think that is the greatest thing ever
djangorienhardt: It will go
djangorienhardt: Hart, Schafter & Marx - 1997-99
djangorienhardt: TCH (Journalist) - 2005-Present
djangorienhardt: TCH (Model) - 2007-Present
djangorienhardt: Runner-Up: Gemma Ward Prize (2007)
djangorienhardt: Voted Ugliest Person in Southern California Nerd
------------- December 1, 2007 6:27 pm -------------
djangorienhardt: And I wanted to talk to you about the tournament
[AVAILABLE] I am online, but may be away from my computer right now.
----------------------- 4:51 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: Hey
Killa Dolphin 323: U got a sec
Killa Dolphin 323: To tell me about this tournament
djangorienhardt: Hi
djangorienhardt: Your poll hurst Blake
djangorienhardt: I know you don't know it but it does
Killa Dolphin 323: Lolz
Killa Dolphin 323: U serious
djangorienhardt: Yeah
djangorienhardt: He's very young
Killa Dolphin 323: Well I'm sorry
Killa Dolphin 323: But
Killa Dolphin 323: Its the truth
Killa Dolphin 323: And
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm not gonna be a coward like most so.cal people and
say that shit behind his back
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm being straighforwrd
djangorienhardt: I do, but this is important to me
djangorienhardt: Blake is only 15
djangorienhardt: And he's not the same 15 I was
djangorienhardt: If you don't delete the category at least ensure that I
win it
Killa Dolphin 323: Lol
Killa Dolphin 323: Well
djangorienhardt: Come on, seriously
djangorienhardt: Yes
djangorienhardt: He's a kid
Killa Dolphin 323: I get told by many u and blake and com37 make he
Killa Dolphin 323: He's a teen
Killa Dolphin 323: Not a kid
djangorienhardt: You don't have a bunch of 20 year olds tell a 15 year
old he is ugly
Killa Dolphin 323: Lolz
Killa Dolphin 323: That's true
Killa Dolphin 323: Dude
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm in chare of these polls
Killa Dolphin 323: I can omit him for this category
Killa Dolphin 323: But
Killa Dolphin 323: Ill talk 2 others
Killa Dolphin 323: And see wuz up
djangorienhardt: A lot of other things are the truth as well
Killa Dolphin 323: Yep
djangorienhardt: You don't have to make it public
Killa Dolphin 323: Lolz
Killa Dolphin 323: Well
djangorienhardt: Just delete the category
Killa Dolphin 323: Haha
Killa Dolphin 323: Its fun =)
djangorienhardt: I don't care
Killa Dolphin 323: Well
Killa Dolphin 323: Imma be at ash's
Killa Dolphin 323: Ill see what people have to say
Killa Dolphin 323: But anywho
Killa Dolphin 323: Enuff of this
djangorienhardt: Comet does and so does Blake
djangorienhardt: Don't hurt people just for amusement
djangorienhardt: It hurts the community
djangorienhardt: Don't do it
Killa Dolphin 323: Umm
Killa Dolphin 323: Its been going on for 2 yrs
Killa Dolphin 323: Do you thhink those people had a sould for Rikku
Killa Dolphin 323: Nope
Killa Dolphin 323: All of a sudden
Killa Dolphin 323: Blake is a hit with the community
Killa Dolphin 323: And we can't do it
Killa Dolphin 323: But yet it was fne for the last 2 yrs w/ Rikku
Killa Dolphin 323: Jesse got nominated 2 yrs ago
Killa Dolphin 323: I think he won
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm not sure
Killa Dolphin 323: This poll isn't meant to be taken serious
Killa Dolphin 323: Its for shits and giggles
djangorienhardt: Want me to pay for three clinical psychologists to
testify in court that your poll was motivated by sadism and caused
irreperable damage, then forward the testimony to your college and have
Martin v Conneticut mandate it being permanently attached to any resume
you ever send?
djangorienhardt: I wouldn't, because it's not worth it
djangorienhardt: And because I respect the law
djangorienhardt: But the truth is that I could
djangorienhardt: And I'm not making that truth public
djangorienhardt: Don't be a jackass
djangorienhardt: If you insult people publically do it to people that
can take it
djangorienhardt: Like me
Killa Dolphin 323: Lolz
Killa Dolphin 323: That's why
Killa Dolphin 323: Ok hmmm
Killa Dolphin 323: I think we should
Killa Dolphin 323: Leave the poll open
Killa Dolphin 323: But
djangorienhardt: Thank you
Killa Dolphin 323: For those who give consent
Killa Dolphin 323: For the negative polls
djangorienhardt: He helps the community a lot, it's not fair to him
Killa Dolphin 323: Cuz its for shit and giggle
djangorienhardt: About what?
Killa Dolphin 323: People get akick out of it
djangorienhardt: Blake is not going to tell you that your poll
Killa Dolphin 323: Well
djangorienhardt: Neither is Comet
djangorienhardt: Although it is obvious it doesby reading his response
Killa Dolphin 323: Ill have a word w/ them personally
Killa Dolphin 323: Or
Killa Dolphin 323: Hear me
----------------------- 5:01 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: Shall I make a public statemtn saying "if any of this
bothers you, I'M privately to not add you to the list"
Killa Dolphin 323: *I'M me privately
Killa Dolphin 323: But still
Killa Dolphin 323: I find it fucked up the community finds it acceptable
on Rikku
djangorienhardt: I thought you could see that and you have matured
beyond the point that you would actually hurt people for your amusement
djangorienhardt: You aren't hurting me, you are hurting them
djangorienhardt: If you want to laugh at me over it, then do so
djangorienhardt: I'm dissapointed that you can't do that
----------------------- 5:05 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: Well
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm not doing this for amusement
djangorienhardt: Fine, make fun of me
Killa Dolphin 323: Its simple facts
djangorienhardt: It doesn't bother me
Killa Dolphin 323: Its what we've been doing for the past 2 yrs
djangorienhardt: Don't make fun of people it does bother
djangorienhardt: What the fuck
Killa Dolphin 323: But should I do that announcement
djangorienhardt: Does what anyone else
djangorienhardt: Other than Comet and Blake
djangorienhardt: matter about this
Killa Dolphin 323: Well I didn't see it that way bro
Killa Dolphin 323: But ur right
Killa Dolphin 323: I am mature and I will do what's right
Killa Dolphin 323: Ill do the announcement
Killa Dolphin 323: But
Killa Dolphin 323: So they cna save themselved from public humility
Killa Dolphin 323: Ill ask them to I'M privately
djangorienhardt: Rikku deserved it
Killa Dolphin 323: Haha
djangorienhardt: For what he said to Comet's girlfriend
djangorienhardt: Amongst other things
Killa Dolphin 323: Lolz
djangorienhardt: Yes, he did
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm surprised u didn't speak up for the last 2 yrs
till now
Killa Dolphin 323: Its not like
Killa Dolphin 323: I point at the winner for ugliest and taunt him
Killa Dolphin 323: Not atall
Killa Dolphin 323: In fact
Killa Dolphin 323: I don't talk shit on Blake
Killa Dolphin 323: Nor the other nominees
Killa Dolphin 323: I just find them to be un-attractive
Killa Dolphin 323: Does Dr.Phil take it far when he gets votes ugliest
Killa Dolphin 323: *voted
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow ok
Killa Dolphin 323: My sidekick sux ass with service so everything ur
about to receive is from 5:08a
Killa Dolphin 323: And its 5:12
Killa Dolphin 323: And still nothing
djangorienhardt: The tournament in the summer is reivtalizing our
djangorienhardt: It's on Blake's machine
djangorienhardt: He's giving it for free
djangorienhardt: For no reason
djangorienhardt: He donated to the event
djangorienhardt: You didn't
djangorienhardt: He has no money to donate with
djangorienhardt: He's working his ass off for the community in a way
that should make anyone proud of him
djangorienhardt: And he's about ten years younger than you are
djangorienhardt: Come on, pick on someone your own size
djangorienhardt: You said you wouldn't be a coward and delete the poll
but I think it's a lot more cowardly to pick on a 15 year old kid who
supports the community you are a part of
djangorienhardt: Have you seen the messages he gets?
djangorienhardt: Blake is almost as hated as I am
djangorienhardt: The difference is that I'm the Prince of Russia, for
every idiot on the internet who think I'm a jackass fifteen Yale Law
graduates are there to tell me I'm wonderful. Even when I was
impressionale this shit wouldn't bother me
djangorienhardt: Blake is not in my circumstances
djangorienhardt: Can't you havea little compassion, Christ man
djangorienhardt: I thought that was what your big change of heart was
supposed to be about
djangorienhardt: Community service, feeling for others
djangorienhardt: Does that stop when it doesn't go on your resume
----------------------- 5:12 am -----------------------
djangorienhardt: Would your rotoract club be proud of you nominating for
and voting a fifteen year old for ugliest person of the year?
djangorienhardt: Do they know?
djangorienhardt: Would you like them to Monday morning?
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow dude
Killa Dolphin 323: Ok
Killa Dolphin 323: 1st of all
Killa Dolphin 323: I am in no way
Killa Dolphin 323: Talkin shit on blake
Killa Dolphin 323: Its just my opinion
djangorienhardt: It wasn't fine, I didn't vote for it
djangorienhardt: Anyway, it isn't fine now
djangorienhardt: And anyone can see that
Killa Dolphin 323: I don't mean to pick on him
Killa Dolphin 323: I don't mean 2 pick on any1
djangorienhardt: Then err on the side of caution
Killa Dolphin 323: And I do have compassion
Killa Dolphin 323: Like I said
Killa Dolphin 323: No1 has ever come up to me
Killa Dolphin 323: On these polls and take it so hard
Killa Dolphin 323: These year end polls are for shits n giggles
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm not being cynical when I make my vote
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm not thinking "har har blake is ugly har har"
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm thinking "yeah he's not good looking, so he gets
my vote"
djangorienhardt: I know that and I don't take it seriously
djangorienhardt: But even on the off chance someone did you shouldn't
have negative categories
djangorienhardt: And Comet obviously did enough to angrily complain
djangorienhardt: And he's ten years older than Blake
djangorienhardt: I'm serious
djangorienhardt: Would your Rotaract Club be proud of you for this?
djangorienhardt: Do you want me to have my business office fax it to
Killa Dolphin 323: Ummmm
Killa Dolphin 323: Dude
Killa Dolphin 323: Ur taking this shit preety far
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm not picking on the kid
Killa Dolphin 323: Its just a fucking poll
Killa Dolphin 323: But I'm startin to see how it can be hard
Killa Dolphin 323: I was picked on when I was in jr high and HS for
being ugly
Killa Dolphin 323: I can see how it would suck to be in such nomination
Killa Dolphin 323: And our next rotaract meetin is a social
djangorienhardt: At the expense of others
djangorienhardt: Who it hurts
djangorienhardt: Cmon Edgar a retarded kid knows not to make a public
djangorienhardt: You can't really see not see that
djangorienhardt: Levin always said you were an asshole, but I always
took you to just be hard-nosed. You're doing a good job of proving me
Killa Dolphin 323: I can give them a small hsitoryof the community and
all blah blha
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
Killa Dolphin 323: Look
Killa Dolphin 323: I made this shit after grabbing the idea from a
Killa Dolphin 323: Most popular
Killa Dolphin 323: Best dressed
Killa Dolphin 323: Tc
Killa Dolphin 323: *etc
Killa Dolphin 323: And it led to other categories
Killa Dolphin 323: People didn't complain
Killa Dolphin 323: And accepted them,
Killa Dolphin 323: And thus I had that thought "its ok to have them"
Killa Dolphin 323: But
Killa Dolphin 323: U have proved ur point
Killa Dolphin 323: I will delete the ugliest male catgory
Killa Dolphin 323: It can hurt people
----------------------- 5:22 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: And ugliest female
Killa Dolphin 323: And quite frankly I could care less about Levin, I've
never like that fucker in the 1st place. He's been a hater from the
Killa Dolphin 323: Fuck stupid connections problems
djangorienhardt: This is starting to really piss me off
djangorienhardt: Is your Rotaract Club open now?
djangorienhardt: What school do you go to?
----------------------- 5:23 am -----------------------
djangorienhardt: Ooh president of the club no less
djangorienhardt: Hey they dismiss for written instances of the word
djangorienhardt: That's interesting
djangorienhardt: And Cornell has a mandatory citizenship requirement for
their applications
Killa Dolphin 323: Jesus
Killa Dolphin 323: Cool ur jets
Killa Dolphin 323: I have connection problems
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm goign to delete the category
Killa Dolphin 323: Cuz its degrading
Killa Dolphin 323: And can lead to self esteem issues
Killa Dolphin 323: I went through that shit during my ugly phase
Killa Dolphin 323: And it sux
Killa Dolphin 323: So I will delete the category
Killa Dolphin 323: But chill man
Killa Dolphin 323: Ur mistaking me for some1 I'm not
Killa Dolphin 323: Omfg
Killa Dolphin 323: Stupid connection
Killa Dolphin 323: I have real bad reception
Killa Dolphin 323: Mind the late responses
djangorienhardt: Santa Monica College?
----------------------- 5:27 am -----------------------
djangorienhardt: 310-917-3313
djangorienhardt: Corsair is the student newspaper?
djangorienhardt: 847-866-3000 national leadership number
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow dude
Killa Dolphin 323: Chillllll
djangorienhardt: I'm having a ball actually now
Killa Dolphin 323: Ur going pretty far
djangorienhardt: 501(3)(c) right?
Killa Dolphin 323: For something that I'm not even being cynical
djangorienhardt: So financial records are a matter of puglic interest
djangorienhardt: Senator from Iowa monitors
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
djangorienhardt: That's Steven Phillip's office
Killa Dolphin 323: Did u read everything I just I'M'd u?
Killa Dolphin 323: Check the thread
djangorienhardt: They would be closed today, Phillips is Christian
djangorienhardt: Open Monday
djangorienhardt: Administrator in charge of discipline is available at
djangorienhardt: Now let's see Cornell
Killa Dolphin 323: The category is now deletes
djangorienhardt: We actually donate directly to Cornell
djangorienhardt: I wonder when their Deans office is open
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
djangorienhardt: Of course the Corsair isn't much of a newspaper
djangorienhardt: Have you considered the Orange Country Register?
Killa Dolphin 323: I can't believe u just threatened me
Killa Dolphin 323: Dude
Killa Dolphin 323: Omfg
djangorienhardt: And it hurts some people
Killa Dolphin 323: Did u read
Killa Dolphin 323: Did u not read my messages
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
Killa Dolphin 323: Here comes another connection error
djangorienhardt: And you are supposed to care
djangorienhardt: And I thought you did
djangorienhardt: And so does Cornell
djangorienhardt: and so does your club
djangorienhardt: and so does your school
djangorienhardt: And if you don't then every single one of those people
is going to know exactly why you said you did
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
Killa Dolphin 323: Ok
djangorienhardt: Who?
Killa Dolphin 323: I dunno when ur receiving my messages
Killa Dolphin 323: But this connection is pissin me off
Killa Dolphin 323: Cuz ur gettin the wrong fucking idea
djangorienhardt: You're gonna ask Blake if the poll bothers him?
djangorienhardt: And he's gonna say yes?
Killa Dolphin 323: Omg
djangorienhardt: So you can add that to the things you say about them?
djangorienhardt: No, just delete it
Killa Dolphin 323: Ur barely answering my question from 20 mins ago
Killa Dolphin 323: Cory
djangorienhardt: Nobody is going to IM you
Killa Dolphin 323: If ur reading this
Killa Dolphin 323: Its 5:32a
djangorienhardt: I don't find it acceptable on either, and especially
not on a kid
Killa Dolphin 323: Then u know how badly we have miscommunicated
djangorienhardt: And I find it a lot worse that you do when you say
you've changed
djangorienhardt: You just said you were
djangorienhardt: It's for shits and giggles
djangorienhardt: Your exact words
djangorienhardt: And believe me that is exactly the reason the Register
will here
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
Killa Dolphin 323: 5:34a
Killa Dolphin 323: Lt me know when u have received all my messages
Killa Dolphin 323: Up to this 5:34 marker
Killa Dolphin 323: Cuz omg I'm about to throw my phone to the wall
djangorienhardt: I can't sue you for libel for an internet post and I
won't have my father intervene at Cornell to stop your admission
djangorienhardt: But you can be damn well sure
djangorienhardt: That if you don't stop it
djangorienhardt: I'll make it public that you didn't
djangorienhardt: And I'll make sure your Rotoract Adminstrator knows
djangorienhardt: And I'll make sure Cornell knows
djangorienhardt: I started this conversation asking for a favor because
I thought you could see the problem
djangorienhardt: Now I'm making a threat
djangorienhardt: I have you quoted as nominating a fifteen year old for
ugliest person of the year
djangorienhardt: I have you quoted as voting for him
djangorienhardt: I have you quoted as saying it is for shits and
djangorienhardt: And I have you quotes saying 'cracker' and 'nigger'
djangorienhardt: You should delete the category
djangorienhardt: Don't make me get nasty
----------------------- 5:38 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: When u have received the 5:34 marker IM, reply back
with EDGAR NUNEZ in capital letters
djangorienhardt: I did
Killa Dolphin 323: So that I know u have read everything to that point
Killa Dolphin 323: Dude
Killa Dolphin 323: If we was to have this convo face 2face
djangorienhardt: Thank you
Killa Dolphin 323: U would have seen this diff
Killa Dolphin 323: Ur seeing me as this cynical fucker for picking on a
15 yr old
Killa Dolphin 323: When I'm not
djangorienhardt: I wouldn't annouce it just delete the category
djangorienhardt: What?
Killa Dolphin 323: I know
Killa Dolphin 323: Its off
djangorienhardt: What are you talking about?
djangorienhardt: After having a chat with Mr.Evans, Ugliest Male +
Ugliest Female categories are now eliminated
djangorienhardt: Great
djangorienhardt: All I cared about
Killa Dolphin 323: Ok ill edit that cmment
Killa Dolphin 323: Ill delete the part of you and i
Killa Dolphin 323: Its 5:41a here
Killa Dolphin 323: No1 will know
djangorienhardt: It wasn't my place to - Blake is my personal friend
----------------------- 5:44 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: There its been edited
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
Killa Dolphin 323: I would have preferred we spoke about this in person
Killa Dolphin 323: Cuz ur totally gettin the wrong image about me
----------------------- 5:47 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: Ah connection problems
Killa Dolphin 323: Its 5:47
Killa Dolphin 323: Haven't seen a thing from u since 5:44
----------------------- 5:50 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: And in case ud like 2 know
[AVAILABLE] I am away from my computer right now.
Killa Dolphin 323: I've met blake plenty of times and get a kick out of
his comedic faces
Killa Dolphin 323: Not cuz they r ugly
Killa Dolphin 323: Cuz he makes ot funny
Killa Dolphin 323: Like I said
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm not mocking his looks
Killa Dolphin 323: I just personally thought he wasn't good looking
Killa Dolphin 323: But
Killa Dolphin 323: I've thought about the things u said about me and my
new mw
Killa Dolphin 323: If I have to be professional
Killa Dolphin 323: Wait
Killa Dolphin 323: Nvm
Killa Dolphin 323: Looks
Killa Dolphin 323: Its deleted
djangorienhardt: Whatever, I'm actually on the phone with Paris
Killa Dolphin 323: And I will edit my posts
djangorienhardt: But I can read it
MEMBER EARLIER HOW I SAID PAY ATTENTION. Proof of T-mobiles faulty connection
djangorienhardt: Dr. Phil is a public celebrity
djangorienhardt: He has to take tabloid coverage
djangorienhardt: I'm sure he hates it
djangorienhardt: I'm sure it bothers him
djangorienhardt: I wouldn't do it
djangorienhardt: The tabloid press sucks
djangorienhardt: But it's something he has to deal with
djangorienhardt: Blake does not
Killa Dolphin 323: Omg ur barely answering my dr.phil comment from 40
mins ago
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
Killa Dolphin 323: If u do sue me or anything
Killa Dolphin 323: I will sue tmobile for this
djangorienhardt: And whatdo you think the lawyers on Capitol Hill do to
the cameramen?
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow 40 mins, this is outrageous
djangorienhardt: What I just did, only a lotnastier
djangorienhardt: If you want to apologize for the perception that you
were, apologize to him
----------------------- 5:57 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: I wonder how ull react to all this
Killa Dolphin 323: Its 5:57
Killa Dolphin 323: So when u see this wow
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow fucking tmobile
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm going to switch companies
djangorienhardt: I'm annoyed that I have to confess at church today that
I had to threaten someone to get an internet topic removed
djangorienhardt: And I'm dismayed that I'd do it again
djangorienhardt: But what the hell, you have to become your father
djangorienhardt: Now someone in Cannes is suing me because he thinks I
didn't devote enough attention to his technology start up, which I
didn't because it didn't sell
djangorienhardt: And I have to talk to the Paris branch that works with
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz so that we can figure out the legal
djangorienhardt: Apologize to Blake for the perception, I just wanted
the poll deleted
djangorienhardt: BRB
djangorienhardt: Keep it to yourself
----------------------- 7:12 am -----------------------
djangorienhardt: Didn't your mother ever say: If you don't have
something nice to say, don't say it at all?
----------------------- 8:44 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: No
Killa Dolphin 323: She said
Killa Dolphin 323: Trea others the way u want to be treated
Killa Dolphin 323: I was once an ugly duckling
Killa Dolphin 323: And was treated badly
Killa Dolphin 323: I let it slide
Killa Dolphin 323: Then life turns 180 cuz of my good karma
Killa Dolphin 323: And I realized what this shit ve created is a poison
Killa Dolphin 323: Its been stopped thank god
Killa Dolphin 323: Cuz if it continues, it does look bad
Killa Dolphin 323: And will continue to hurt the self esteem on one
individual for another yr
Killa Dolphin 323: So therefore
Killa Dolphin 323: The remedy has been given
----------------------- 8:48 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: I've realized this shit here is like the iraq war
Killa Dolphin 323: The shit is un necessary
Killa Dolphin 323: But now that I pulled back
Killa Dolphin 323: No more harm shall be done
----------------------- 8:52 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: And u know what
Killa Dolphin 323: Ill admit
Killa Dolphin 323: I was going to post our convo in my lj
Killa Dolphin 323: To show others
Killa Dolphin 323: 1. To show ur fucking threat
Killa Dolphin 323: 2. Show what a drama queen u r
Killa Dolphin 323: Till I realized
Killa Dolphin 323: I shouldnt
Killa Dolphin 323: U thought me a valuable lsson here
Killa Dolphin 323: Even though I had no cynical intents on these polls
Killa Dolphin 323: It does do harm
Killa Dolphin 323: And with you brining up all my glory
Killa Dolphin 323: And how it can be crumbled with all this
Killa Dolphin 323: Its best to avoid such stupidity
Killa Dolphin 323: As lil as the poll
Killa Dolphin 323: But u gotta understand
Killa Dolphin 323: We were miscommunicating by like 20-40 mins based off
my shitty response
Killa Dolphin 323: I tried to give u a direct response
Killa Dolphin 323: And instead u threatened me
Killa Dolphin 323: When u shouldn't have
Killa Dolphin 323: Because
Killa Dolphin 323: U sir haven't seen me in action
Killa Dolphin 323: You don't see the chemistry I have w/ the people I
have worked with
Killa Dolphin 323: The senior citizens with Meals On Wheels
Killa Dolphin 323: B
Killa Dolphin 323: Nurturing kids, teens and adults who suffer from
Killa Dolphin 323: Motivating our team to raise $1500 for AIDS
Killa Dolphin 323: Cleaning up the beach
Killa Dolphin 323: Representing one of the best rotaract clubs in los
Killa Dolphin 323: And also converting our club into the best one this
school has ever seen
Killa Dolphin 323: And why
Killa Dolphin 323: Cuz I'm a passionate charismatic leader
Killa Dolphin 323: U don't see that
Killa Dolphin 323: U totally misunderstood me when we had our
Killa Dolphin 323: I read it again
Killa Dolphin 323: And realized by not giving direct answers
Killa Dolphin 323: U turned into this fucking threatening lawyer
Killa Dolphin 323: Could have been avoided
Killa Dolphin 323: But whatever
Killa Dolphin 323: Its over
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm not going to post this on my lj
Killa Dolphin 323: But I may show a few ;), like a small few
Killa Dolphin 323: Close friends
Killa Dolphin 323: But after all of this
Killa Dolphin 323: I would like to thank you
Killa Dolphin 323: For helping me mature
Killa Dolphin 323: I do accept criticism
Killa Dolphin 323: And accept mistakes
Killa Dolphin 323: I don't want to create more
Killa Dolphin 323: And with your guidance
Killa Dolphin 323: I can become into a powerful leader
Killa Dolphin 323: So thanx for the help
Killa Dolphin 323: Just
Killa Dolphin 323: Lighten up next time
Killa Dolphin 323: And cut me some slack with this shitty connection I
have at home
Killa Dolphin 323: So yeah thread has been changed
Killa Dolphin 323: All negative polls gone
----------------------- 9:03 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: Show this to Levin Dean and prove that fucker wrong
----------------------- 9:05 am -----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: I actually wanted 2 talk to u sometime
Killa Dolphin 323: So drop me a call sometime
Killa Dolphin 323: 323 420 7869
---------------------- 10:18 am ----------------------
Killa Dolphin 323: And u know what's funny
Killa Dolphin 323: I call these things awards
Killa Dolphin 323: But I don't see what's so rewarding about being
---------------------- 11:14 am ----------------------
djangorienhardt: I missed anything you wrote
djangorienhardt: After my last message
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
Killa Dolphin 323: What's ur email
Killa Dolphin 323: What was tthe last thing u received?
djangorienhardt: You were sending text messages at a steady rate for
some reason
Killa Dolphin 323: Yep
djangorienhardt: Yes I saw that, thanks
Killa Dolphin 323: Its cuz I'm on my phone
Killa Dolphin 323: And I live in a shitty garage
Killa Dolphin 323: With shitty reception
djangorienhardt: Does your Sidekick have a rate limit?
Killa Dolphin 323: Where I live and support 7 family members, not to
mention the other 5 at my moms hous3
Killa Dolphin 323: Rate limit?
djangorienhardt: Brother, I live 3000 miles away from you
Killa Dolphin 323: Lolz
Killa Dolphin 323: Wow
Killa Dolphin 323: Ok what was the last message u got from me?
djangorienhardt: Just today I am involved in what is looking like it's a
85 million dollar transaction
djangorienhardt: I sleep about 2 hours a day
djangorienhardt: I do nothing except for work
Killa Dolphin 323: And go online and complain lol
djangorienhardt: I don't have images of anyone about anything except
maybe JT and Omid who are bonded to me
djangorienhardt: Can you read this?
Killa Dolphin 323: Yes
Killa Dolphin 323: Its 11:17a here
Killa Dolphin 323: We are good
Killa Dolphin 323: I'm in a good reception area
Killa Dolphin 323: We are communicating direct
Killa Dolphin 323: Unlike this morning
djangorienhardt: Can you read this?
Anyone who threatens me in any way loses my respect.
And I seriously dont feel like I owe Blake an apology