prayer request at the end of this long story about me.

Jan 09, 2006 19:29

So i was talking to amy last night on the internet when i got home from the movies. we talked for hours.. as you all know from my previous post, amy is Catholic. However, she doesnt not feel like the catholic belief system is right. she named all of the things that she feel does not seem right. Such as; She feels like you dont have to be sitting in a pew to pray to God, or your priest has to be the one to ask for forgiveness for your sins (or whatever it is they believe). I said neither do I. the christian church isnt like that. I basically told her everything bout our church, which is basically opposite of the catholic system and everything she felt was the truth was how we believe. After talking with her for a while about it, she seemed to go into more detail about it all. But guys to be honest with you. Amy is struggling with a certain spiritual issue in her life, and im not going to tell you what it is. All i want for you is to pray for her. PRAY HARD FOR HER. i am. everyday. This whole amy thing is wierd to me, because its not an emotion weirdness but a spiritual weirdness that i have never felt before. a tingle perhaps. or a tugging. because i know for fact with out a doubt this is what God wants. Not for us to be together, but for us to meet. See, back over the summer when our youth went to minnesota i hated that place. and i think i wrote about it back in june or july. go look it up.. but the whole time i was there i was praying for the gift of prophesy. and i was giving word that i felt was God to people for a short time, but lost focus along with the gift. however, when i came home i was thinking about how bad i hated it there, but something spoke to me in my spirit how that wouldnt be the last time i visit there and i will meet someone from there and i will go back. And i remembered what was spoken to me when i met amy. And its so weird because its almost like im fulfilling a prophesy in my own life. Its weird, and kinda scary all at the same time.. But for the prayer request. Amys grandad is suffering form multiple cerosis(sp*). My God is a healing God. I believe that he will heal him. We need to pray for something supernatural to occur through this mans body. For healing, for strength, and for life. and whatever else that has to do with healing a mans body.
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