Nov 15, 2006 09:04
dude kyle=pissed at the world to much shit fluttering around my head n its makin my days really annoying honestly this douche bag blames me for his problems is his cop out i dont care that he failed at life n is trying to pin it on me its just the fact that they can say i have what they want wen im not even happy with my life here honestly dude UR NOT THE ONLY 1 WITH PROBLEMS U LIL GIRL every1 does u just liek to make it worse ur a fuckin distructive force n i think today is where im making a stand n sayin im not down with destructive forces.its a black hole effect every1 close gets dragged down to so as of today im gunna throw everythign out there dude n try to find somthing thats gunna fix all this shit im gunna take it into my own hands dude n do somthign about ti myself n not act liek a lil bitch waiting for someone else to solve my problems or look for some oen to blame them on so yea im a better person than u fuck this
fuck bullshit