
Aug 30, 2006 13:49

so...umm i'm allowed to come home...i just dont know if i should ( Read more... )

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layne_chan August 30 2006, 21:28:27 UTC
As you already know, I want you to come home. :P But I also want you to do what you think is the best for you.

If you want to go home, don't feel bad about doing it. Lots of people who live close to college will probably be going home a bunch more times than you will. If you don't go this time, then when's the next time you can? It will be at least a month, right? So it's not like you'll be coming all the time. And I don't want you to regret not coming home, if this weekend ends up not being fun at college. Seriously, as long as you don't make a habit of coming here, you should be fine. It's not like you're running away from the challeges that college brings or anything. You'll be going back on Monday (or Tuesday?), and then you'll be there for a bit. You're still new to all of this, so it's natural you want home. I don't think it's a bad thing to visit as long as you don't make a habit of it, as I said before.

But on the other hand, don't be guilted into coming home because everyone here wants you to come. If you think you should stay at college to rough it out and try to get to know more people, then that's fine, too. It will be a good opportunity to meet people, but if you end up not staying this weekend, then don't sweat it. You'll have more chances.

As your friends, we really want you to do what is best for you and what will make you happiest. We may want you to come home, but in the end it's your choice and your preference. We care about that more. If you want to stay at college to try to continue to adjust there, then I completely support you.

You're Danielle, you do what you want!


shaleapie August 31 2006, 14:15:23 UTC
jeeze christy - way to answer perfectly.
danielle - i completely agree with her, but i also want you to know that if you do come home this weekend - every waking moment that i am not in work better be spent with you, bitch!
sleepovers are required.


layne_chan August 31 2006, 14:52:48 UTC
Haha, thanks Jackie!


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