(no subject)

Apr 03, 2006 21:21

I feel like being insightful, creative, productive...but alas, I feel myself being sucked into teh intarwubz and inactivity.
I am trying to get farther on my CivWar H-option, which is indeed progress, since I have less and less time to do it...

I would indeed like to find out about my work situation for the summer, since I'll be going on sublease/apartment searches if I can't live on campus for free.
Bleh on you, H&FS department.

Whitney sent me a nudie woman (well...not really. A pin-up. Betty Page. Not sure if it quite goes with the room decor, m'dear. But the shirt and the mints-- and the magnet-- are love'd).

Yeah...this is just me procrastinating and not having anything insightful to say whatsoever.
Except, my CivWar prof is teh funny. I should get on that whole professor-quoting thing again...
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