So, if you haven't noticed, there's a community being pimped out on the ElJay front page Spotlight (
one_happiness) that got me to thinking (as some of those Spotlight communities do, which I think is a point to putting them up there...).
What makes me happy?
I mean... seriously contagiously this-is-what-living-life is all about HAPPY.
This week was pretty awesome, due in a good part to the lovely warm weather.
In spite of voluntarily (kind of) surrendering my soul between the hours of 5:30/6 to 11ish to the theater department...
In spite of the Spanish panic (sorry...had to...) Thursday night...
In spite of having no ink, nor any money to buy more until Friday...
In spite of a mini-panic over classes...
In spite of (almost total) uncertainty in the months to come...
In spite of my dear ol' Auntie coming to visit (if you don't get it, don't ask)...
In spite of not eating well at all this week (or, well, in spite of not eating)...
In spite of worrying about my relationships...
In spite of my lack of communicative skillz...
In spite of the awesome headache I've had since this evening...
In spite of being tired in a good many senses of the word...
I am happy. My life, despite its flaws and downturns and little petty things that sometimes just make me wonder what the fuck...I am thankful for everything. Some things, some people, more than others...
And, like earlier today, I cannot express in words how I feel. *fails*
Language lacks a bit like that, y'know?