I had an awesome weekend with Justin. I should've asked The Revette to send me more moneys because we didn't get to do a whole lot, but it was still pretty awesome.
And since I am too lazy to edit what I uploaded and get them in order here, I put the few pictures I took onto
The Warren Dunes are awesome, even though the beach was a bit frigid.
University of Chicago is breathtaking. If I could take pictures to do it justice, I would have.
Chinese food from an actual Chinese restaurant in Chinatown...foodgasmic. I wish I knew how to use chopsticks better. They gave us pity-forks because I suck.
There are neighborhoods for EVERYONE. (We were passing from Chinatown into the Mexican barrio and a closed Karate-Do bore the sign "Se Habla Espanol" in the window.)
I have a grand total of four cents left in my checking account. Luckily, my Spartan cash is far from running out so that I don't have to have ramen for dinner (EDIT 5:45pm: I just checked, and Sparty's down the hallway is NOT open. Bastards. At least some places accept it, though). And I have moneys at home since Cruella is still, for my intents and purposes, undriveable.
We'll see how break goes. Perhaps I can snag a car for a night. And The Rev is leaving for Israel on Tuesday, so the Hulk is available, perhaps.
(Prayers and thoughts, if you are so inclined, for his and the other clergy's safety in the Holy Land are welcome)