Jan 19, 2006 22:25
You know what's sad? Alex and I are excited because we can sleep in on Saturday morning. We are so deprived.
And the fact that we admit we're insane is proof that we are not completely off our rockers. At least, that's what she said. And I live in part of her brain, and own a part of her soul. We'll go with that.
Those hooters *points*, today...today was...yeah.
I put "Dragostea Din Tei" on my iPod. It played on my walk to work this morning. I think that was a signal for the rest of the day.
Work itself wasn't bad.
I skipped lunch to copy the Spanish workbook pages for someone in my class. I'd been up since 6am and all I'd ingested was about six Pringles, lemonade, and a bottle of water. It was noon thirty when I headed out the door and made it to Spanish exactly on time (good for leaving ten minutes after I'd wanted). I had half a mocha in Ancient Europe, but sadly, I still didn't pay attention to most of the lecture because of my drooping head (and I had to pee for the last hour of class but the room was too crowded to leave from the back corner without causing much noise and distraction). Luckily, I've already learned about the Peloppenesian War from my crazy prof last year, so no real loss there.
The whole time I was dreaming up ways to take out my disappointment and anger at myself on someone else who had a definite hand in causing said displeasure. I settled on malicious stabbing with a dull rusty acid-covered spoon. Brian suggested a fork, but blood's a real bitch to get out of clothing if you don't get it cleaned up right away. Maybe I'll render some bad stick figures later, when Spanish is not looming overhead. I should be doing that...Meh.
So, I've learned that Jeff has some pretty sweet music (which I've been snagging from MyTunes covertly *shifty eyes*), the pasta station in the caf saves me from unappealing meals, eating is an essential part of the day if you like to function, I really missed Jeopardy time with Whitney (get a freaking TV that's hooked up, dork face!), and my iPod has a crazy way of shuffling songs to cheer me up and bring me back down (it was "Banana Phone," then "Somebody To Love").
My hands are locked up tight in fists/
My mind is racing filled with lists/
of things to do and things I've done/
Another sleepless night's begun...
"Who Needs Sleep?"-BNL
makin' money,
classy mcgee