Oh right, I have one of these.

Apr 27, 2009 22:19

Man, remember the days I used to update this constantly?

I guess I have branched out (grown up?) into the more sophisticated parts of the intertubes, like Google Reader and now Twitter.

But then Kevin and Diedra peer-pressure me into ridiculous Facebook applications and all that credibility is LOST.

As for my life, in case you hadn't heard, I'm moving to North Carolina. I'm going to do another year of Campus Compact at Pfeiffer University with the Servant Leadership program. I guess I am attractive to small private schools in the boonies? Everyone I met when I was down there was very nice and my supervisor seems pretty awesome. She's even working on getting me a pet-friendly apartment so's I can take the kitteh down. U-Haul rates aren't looking lovely, but what do you expect with moving 800+ miles? If you/someone you know is willing to lend a vehicle with a hitch that can haul a 6'x8' trailer and is okay with my parents driving it back and forth, I WOULD LOVE YOU FOREVER.
I'm still working out details, such as when my position officially starts, and where I'm living, and when I'm moving out of here/into there. However, I have confidence it will all work out (because, y'know, if it doesn't I am many sorts of screwed).

Since I'd just make the residency requirements for UNC, I've been looking into their Public Administration Maters program. It's one of the top in the nation (but this is mostly for city management?), and they have a very small cohort of ~30 incoming students per year and a total program size of ~60; it's a two-year program. Chapel Hill is like a slightly more hipster/hippie MSU, from what I could tell in my 1.5 days visiting there.
I will melt in the summer, but hey, no more weeks of -10 windchills!

voluntary poverty, i'm an adult now?, what future?

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