This is between Guy Who Calls Me Babe on the Internet, yet another winnar in a long line of winnarz I seem to be encountering, and I:
[10:05] RubberDuckLurve: also, why is AJ's lady friend going to be so epically pissed?
[10:05] WTF is an Ogre: he got head from another chick alst night
[10:05] WTF is an Ogre: right next to me on MY damn couch
[10:06] RubberDuckLurve: oh snap
[10:06] RubberDuckLurve: why didn't you punch him/her/them in the face and make them go somewhere else?
[10:06] WTF is an Ogre: cuz i didn't care, not like im embarassed about it, she wanted a 3sum, but she's my friend, that'd be weird
[10:07] RubberDuckLurve: yeah
[10:17] RubberDuckLurve: she sounds like a real ...classy girl
[10:18] WTF is an Ogre: they were drinkin, hah
[10:20] RubberDuckLurve: right...
[10:21] WTF is an Ogre: lol, wut?
[10:22] RubberDuckLurve: drinking yourself stupid isn't always the best excuse
[10:22] RubberDuckLurve: I don't get plastered and give out bjs
[10:22] WTF is an Ogre: well he wanted it, so did she
[10:22] RubberDuckLurve: fair enough
[10:22] WTF is an Ogre: i didn't tho, lol
[10:22] WTF is an Ogre: both my guy friends got sum, i sat there and was
[10:31] WTF is an Ogre: but yeah, haha
I'd tap this.
With a hammer.
He types in Stupid Internet, which just makes me cringe at every intentional misspelling of "some," "what", "though," etc.
Also, he wants to go into pre-med at MSU. Or Harvard. But he's currently going to Schoolcraft and working at McDonalds. Dude doesn't have a cell phone and wanted me to call him at the LAN center he was at if I reconsidered visiting him and having him, *ahem*, make it worth my while. I tried to blow him off bitchily when he thought that "cutie" was an acceptable alternative to "babe", but it just didn't seem to work.
PS: I'm friends with one of my teachers from high school, as well as John Green (I friended Hank but he hasn't accepted yet :/)