I giggled, I teared up, and imagined the loads of fanfiction filling in the gap at the end.
2. Free booze is yay! Four pints of Guinness last night at the pub with my old host family ("What do you want? Do you want a Guinness?" "No, thanks, I'm fine, I just finished the other one." "Oi, Kevin, another Guinness for her!") and 3 glasses of Smithwick's (I like Smithwick's :D) today. A glass is about equal to about 2/3 of a pint.
3. It didn't rain today! Mr. Blue Sky came on my iPod and I giggled madly.
PICTURES! That batch pretty much catches me up to the present.
5. Three weeks left. I'm going to be sad to go, but damn I miss people. And hugs. And pancakes (Irish breakfasts are basically heart attacks with some tomato on a plate).
6. <3 Irish health system. Got my pills with a scrip for less than $20, which is a damn sight better than the $50-60/month I was paying at home for the last scrip.