Oh, LiveJournal...

Feb 25, 2007 19:43

I seem to have neglected you for the past short while. It's not that I've been avoiding you, no, I've just been to wrapped up in other things to feel like properly updating. Otherwise, it would have been a sadder excuse for an entry than normal, something along the lines of "PLEASE PLEASE LET ME BLUDGEON COLLEGE" or "WHY AM I SO BROKE OMG" or most probably, "SLKDHVBDVBLKSDHC!!!one!1!"

While I do so want to bludgeon college, as I'm sure many others do, there are some good spots. I realized that someone who decidedly resembles Drew Neitzel sits by me sometimes in my Holocaust class. I personally don't care but I think other people really, really do.
Come and See, a Belorussian film from the '80s (way back when we called them "Soviets") about the German invasion of Soviet territory, is CRACKED. THE HELL. OUT.
I'm still deciding whether my WWII prof is a huge bitch sometimes, or just really absentminded and favoritive.
Learning in Museums is pretty alright. I don't fall asleep, which can't be said for some of my other classes.
My Exhibits prof is not the best, but the class is interesting and he's the reason why I have another (temporary) job.

This temporary job, while I probably don't actually have time for it (10-12 hours/week), it PAYS. And it's experience! And I'm helping out with the museum exhibits! Geeked, I am.

Hee! Snogs!

I spent the majority of this weekend in bed. Under four blankets. Reading. Alternating freezing hands.

I made an adult decision! I put in an application to Collingwood Apartments. I know it's a DTN property, but for less than about $400/month including all utilities (electricity, heat, water, cable, internet, trash), that's pretty damn good.

I did something else adult and filed my first tax return! And filled out my FAFSA so's I can get money from the government! Maybe I'll get my refund during spring break and won't have to worry about being completely broke when I get back. Especially since I just spent the majority of my paycheck on paying to go to spring break.

I am so stoked for it, by the by. Especially the ghost tour. This week's probability of suck will need to be remedied with the potential awesomeness of New Orleans and Wesley for a week.

Hey Eddie Murphy: Since you were nominated for an Oscar and all, think you can stop making suck-ass movies like Norbit?

Oh, Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow...*facepalm*

ZOMG. Matt Nathanson is going to be at the Union on April 29! This is sadly the Sunday before exams start, but the amazingness of Matt should make up for it. That, and it's only $7. You know you want to!
Also, possible Chicago adventure to see Ted Leo + Pharmacists the day before? $14 tickets, 7:30 show...we could train it and stay the whole day...

Oh yeah, and that National Body Challenge of Alicia's? Definitely a small success. XD

spendin' monies, music, bitchin', spring break

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