Spring BreakUpdate : )

Apr 14, 2006 10:31

So yeah my Spring Breaks been awesome. I havnt needed to work much, i got everything set up for UF, all bills are paid, and got to see friends from South Carolina : )
Lets see, so wed. i went to Church, was suppose to go to the movies but didnt get out of church early enough. So i just hung around the house and talked to people for the nite. Thurs...what was thurs? oh yeah yesterday : . I had ot owrk in the morning only 2hours but hey its money, but then afterwards me and Zack met up with Libby, Kaila, and Carrie : ) had an awesome time with them. We hung out at the beach, went swimming in the pool at their place, went on a bike ride around Sanibel, and Libbys parents were awesome enough to take us all out to eat at the Bulle Room. Holy crap, thats like my favorite place now, except for the fact its so fricken expensive. Then afterwards the 5 of us walked around on the beach for a bit then after a while we all kinda splitted up and i got to hang out with Carrie for a bit : ). I got to know Carrie better and we got along pretty good i guess. at about midnight me and zak had to leave had to be home by 1 so we said goodbye to them which kinda suked > (. wont see them again for a while but hopefully durin the summer!

Today im visiting Family, and then this weekend i gotta start packin so we can move into the new house mon. So people might not hear frm me online for a while maybe i dont think we have internet hooked up over there yet. Plus, im gonna be screwed with all the fricken hw i still gota do > (, but we'll see what happens.

Phew, i think thts enough writing for me, now heres a song

I can see it comin' on the horizon
Sky turning black, it's raining down
Can't move my feet, cannot be shaken
Not movin', I'm standing so firm
I can't be moved

I will stand
I will stand
When everything falls away
I will fight this war forever or until I die
I will stand
I will stand
When everyone falls away
I will fight this war forever or until I die

All these things coming against me
I have the choice to fall or fight
I cannot be moved
You give me the strength
Help me fight, help me fight
I'm standing so firm
I can't be moved
I'm standing so firm
I can't be moved

I will stand
I will stand
When everything falls away
I will fight this war forever
Or until I die
I will stand
I will stand
When everyone falls away
I will fight this war forever
Or until I die

And I'm standing so firm
On this ground you've sat before me
I'll fight for this with my last breath
I'll fight for this till I die
I can't be moved
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