(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 21:04

Have I really become so cold that i cant help someone when theyre down
has me neglectingalmost all emtions over the summer really turned me careless
all the years telling myself w/e happens happens helpped me go thru wat ive gone thru
but yet prevents me from thinking of anythin to say to make someone better
or am i just fed up with the crap thts goin on yet again

Lessons I have learned in life:
*Life sucks get over it
*whatever happens just make the best out of it
*never (or at least do so as little as possible) complain bout somethin theres always osmeone whos goin thru worse things
*they will always be ppl their for you, who can and will do watever they can to help, no matter how little they can
*real friends will be there for you during your darkest hours

eh i could probly add more but im done for now just needed to write down my thoughts and put them in order for a second, and since no one reads this anyways i figure this is a good place to do it in : )
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