May 27, 2006 02:07
" this point i dont even see people anymore i see vaults and safety deposit boxes. i mean, dont get the wrong impression this analogy has nothing to do with money. walking down glendale ave for instense i dont see a woman window shopping i see an old footlocker that has spouted legs! inside those strong boxes behind the combination locks we are all hiding secrets. some hold bigger more worrisome secrets while others still, the occational white lie." i added a pause and a nice deep sigh of reflection just for effect, "i am the labyrinth of safes one inside another like a bad alice in wonderland dream. my secrets need the greatest protection, most of all from myself. "
i should have been given an oscar i am amazing. big pat on the back, thank you thank you ill be here ill tuseday autographs after the show..please. i was able to deliver that last line with the utter most insight. safety deposit boxes damn thats too good.
"do u honestly expect me to believe this jargon? i swear u memorize this shit before u come to see me! i should be writing this down...from now on do give me some credit this is what i do for a living you know." he said exaughsted
"what?" i said with a flicker of laughter, "i hate my life i think ive made that clear enough i just figured if i have to come here to this retched office every wednesday id atleast think of a more interesting way to express that to u"
"hmmm ur a real comedian i suggest u keep thinking our time is up."
there was a rustle of papers some awkward hand shaking even after a year i still felt weird ending one of our conversation with a hand shake. but i was finally free from the tomb that man calls an office! one hour can seem like a life time. last i checked he was making a fortune playing head shrinker he could at least aford a more relaxing decore. but what did i expect? he is an older jewish man that wears cowboy boots with dress slacks, a button down tee-shirt and tie! after our second meeting my mother asked what do u mean cowboy boots dont be ridiculous! "...with DRESS SOCKS!!" i had yelled out the window of the moving car as if attempting to spread the word. he is the original jewish cowboy. it was only after 8 weeks that i realized i wasnt dealing with one pair of leather cowboy boots but two, one pair black and the other bown.
once inside my car i redirected the review to face me as i touched up my makeup. my grandmother's voice rang in my ears "at least put ur eyes on before u go out!" as i applied the thick black line to my upper eyelid i wondered how long it had been exactly since i had visited her. yes, eyeliner thats the end all be all of a successful woman in my grandmothers eyes, i just wish everyone was that easy to please. after quick wink and an air kiss i was on my way. since i had made the regrettable promise of 2 consecutive years of weekly visits i couldnt go far. dont get me wrong i like him enough but i just wanted to serve my time and be done with it. everytime i changed to a new "paid listener" my time start over from zero again. knowing i had to be back on wed ruins ones plans for vacation and such, i really need a vacation.
* * *
this is a fictional piece ive been writing titled "Have you been taking your meds?" i figured id post and let bored people have somthing to do for all of 5 mins. im just trying to get back into the full swing of things aka writing everyday like i used to enjoy or dont i really dont care..wanna be a jump off point for character let me no ill think about it. just because this isnt a true story about me doesnt me some parts arent factual. as usual spelling and gammar goes right out the window if it doent look like an english word webster would have recognized i suggest u sound it out. enjoy ur weekends everyone.