Jan 09, 2005 19:12
hey hey sry i havent updated been really busy. Well lets see friday i had school then i went to Creek boys basketball game cause our practice was cancled =D thank god. well after the game i went home and i was gunna go to a lopez game but i didnt o well then ally called me then i went to bed. Sat around 1 AlLay called me to see if i wanted to go to orlando w. her so i did we drove by Club Paris we were gunna get T-shirts but they were closed at the time. after that we drove by wonderworks and we went to dinner and there were all these surfer kids cause there was an expo thing and haha this kid went up to ally is was so funny lol. after that we went shopping then we went to wonderworks. OMG there was this thing that changed ur face and it was so funny !!! got back to allys house around 12 then we talked to Jon. i passed out like a light at like 230 lol then this morning me and ally just chylled talked to jon and watched tv then i went home now im doing this so im gunna bounce peace *
AlLay and AmBa // IGS4L * BAAH * PIZZA * ARRR *
xo amber