A is for apples because they are yummy =)
B is for Brody,Adam because he is gorgeous
C is for caldwell because i live there lol
D is for dumb&dumber because it was a pretty good moviee
E is for elijah manelli because that was the best line on roseanne ever said lol
F is for frienddss
G is for ginaa because shes cool lol
H is for harry potter movies
I is foriPod because MINE WORKSSS
J is for JAMBA JUICEEE,john and jm squareddd !!
K is for KEVIN CALRK..enough said =)
L is for love because its the greatest thing in the world
M is for Mean Girls 2nd best movie ever made
N is for not having school
O is for OC because i love that show
P is for pooh (as in winnie the pooh) =)
Q is for quads because i almost fell off one lol
R is for richhh ! because i want to be it lol
S is for SCHOOL OF ROCKK best movie ever made
T is for tom felton <3
U is for ultra-dissapointed that i have school tomorow
V is for very close to being done
W is for water...bcasue sean had it and i cant think of one lol
X is for ....
Y is for YAYYY
Z is for um....ZOO