Oct 30, 2004 04:35
...I think there should be a movie of my life. Nothing big, no box office block buster. Just something like those old school home video type dealies, film on a reel or something like that. I have no idea where I got this little notion in my head, but it hit me today. Sometimes I think I'd just like to sit back and watch all the moments of my past, so I can slow motion through all the good times. My past seems like it might finally be slipping behind me in the wake of this new future Kelley and I our making for ourselves.
Speaking of that, guess I should go ahead and throw out the fact that Kelley is pregnant. I don't think I've ever been happier than when I heard the news from her. But I'm scared. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to provide for her the way I want to. Afraid I wont be able to give her the comfort zone she deserves. I dont really even know what the fear stems from, but I know that sometimes it gets a hold of me and its almost enough to cause an anxiety attack. Grrr...