Oct 08, 2004 00:19
So I've been working on the pysch ward at the VA hospital for a week now. Ya know what folks...I thought I was just a bit on the crazy side myself...so did a lot of other people I know. I now know I only qualify as mildly eccentric. You reconfigure your way of looking at things when you're being cussed out by a schizoaffective bipolar type having a bad hair day. Or being called "Hitler" by a full blown paranoid schizophrenic. Its...interesting to say the least.
And I never really understood how mentally and emotionally draining it is to work with these people. Granted, its not really their fault...no one asks to become mentally ill. But they put a heavy strain on those who care for them. Sad to say, I am extremely glad the majority of my work will NOT be on the inpatient side of the house. I don't really think I could stick with that too long before having a mild psychotic break myself.
On a lighter note, Nov 3rd is creeping closer and closer. Its almost time to get out of Texas and head back up north. I started breaking out the winter clothes and the webbed feet yesterday. I hate Washington and I really wish I didnt have to go back.
So I'm extrememly board at the moment, waiting for EQ to patch up on my friends computer. Fucking thing is taking forever. Blah. Thats about it. Night.