Brushes Off The Cobwebs...

Apr 16, 2013 16:25

... wipes up the dust and thinks that should possibly be doing so in the house too. Long time, no posts, sorry. Partly because I've been tumbling.

Kind of sad that the Halloween sim thing failed to get off the ground. Sadly, ill health and lack of inspiration thwarted it but, never say never, inspiration may strike between now and this coming Halloween.

I'm going to double post in just a moment. Decided to go fetch the sims that I shared on Pixel Trade and link them in my journal. During one of the many blips with my TS3 game I've managed to mislay most of them. I'd like to have them all together for easy reference.

Anyways, ramble over.  Hope all of you are well and happy.  Take care x.


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