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pixelcurious August 14 2012, 01:03:21 UTC
Oh, what beauties! All of them! I didn't quite realize that you have seven cats. Are they all related to one another?

The pic of Tilly and Ding rubbing faces made me grin, especially. But they all made me smile. Tilly as a pup - awww!

Fuzzy really does look like she's covered in gold dust! Rico really stands out with that striking pale coat. That photo of Baggy is really just amazing, the light on his face. I can see why he won Best Bengal, too - the proportions of his face are lovely.

Stormy does look shy and a bit scared, in that picture. What I can see of her coat looks so pretty, all those tiny spots. Curdy is gorgeous too, especially her eyes. Ding looks almost amber, just beautiful.

The kittens picture had me grinning again! So cute! Thank you for sharing all their photos. ♥

Now I want more kittens...


gheez August 14 2012, 02:45:39 UTC
Thanks very much for your lovely comments ( ... )


pixelcurious August 14 2012, 03:45:53 UTC
Nice little Bengal site! :) I like your write-up about the breed personality. Janey has some Bengal-like qualities, actually. She's very active, often vocal, and a bit of a troublemaker (she doesn't go after human food, fortunately!)

Oh drats, where's Maisie?

I'm sorry, but I had to laugh. ^_^ Poor Maisie! She's very pretty, all backlit like that. I love the new kitten pic too. Belly spots! Jane has those, too.

I'm nerdy enough that I had to write little family trees of your kitties. So Fuzzy is Maisie's grandmother, and really the matriarch of the kitty clan.

I love these: Tilly and Cats and Bad Rico. Very bad! This is why we can't have nice things! xD


gheez August 14 2012, 04:46:47 UTC
Thank you for linking those photos, I've just saved them. I was planning to go and work out how to do it at a later date but your link has even given me the Photobucket name so hopefully it won't be difficult to retrieve the rest ( ... )


pixelcurious August 14 2012, 15:28:58 UTC
I've thought that about Janey too, because of her narrow face and general mouthiness. We'll never know, though! She came from some neighborhood kids who knocked on our door one day. They told K. their mother said they had to give her away, and suddenly we had a new kitten. ^_^ The kids' family moved soon after, before I could think to ask where she came from, so her origin will always be a mystery ( ... )


gheez August 15 2012, 00:36:08 UTC
A moggy is a mongrel cat. We seem to call them moggies over here, rather than mongrels or mutts. Especially when it is difficult to determine their parentage or breed ( ... )


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