Hello LJ...

Mar 02, 2009 23:58

...long time no type.

This quarter has been... grrr. Probably my most demanding quarter yet--I'm taking 2nd quarter biochem lecture, biochem lab (fucking intense... well, it's finally NOT since we turned in our big paper), and organic reactions. Oh, and research, which I haven't done ANY of this quarter. But I shall be able to these next couple weeks before the quarter FINALLY ends.

So, tough course load, right? Well, I've also been sick THE ENTIRE FUCKING QUARTER. And since I was so busy and spending any energy I had on class (since I HAD to to keep up), I didn't make it to the doctor until a couple weeks ago. The first doctor didn't even fucking listen to me (though, the medicine she gave me finally seems to be helping with some of my symptoms). I would feel sick pretty much every time I ate, no matter what I ate or how much. Sometimes I would get really nauseous. Sometimes I would get nausea and abdominal pain. Sometimes, I would get headaches and dizziness or faintness along with that. My favorite was when what felt like a rush of adrenaline would surge through my stomach and chest and my heart would pound through my chest and it felt like my body was having a panic attack, even though my mental state was fine. The first doctor thought that I just had abdominal pain and was stressed out since I told her that the I thought that the initial onset of stress brought this on (tried to explain my past medical history). That's all she chose to hear. She gave me some Zantac and told me to exercise to relieve stress. I wanted to hit her. I tried to explain that exercise wouldn't work for me, but she wasn't listening. Why wouldn't it work? Because I felt weak and sick to my stomach all the time, didn't have enough energy to make it through the day, and wasn't eating enough to have any Calories to burn.

So I went back, to another doctor. Who is much nicer and has a clue. She actually listened to me. And tested my blood cortisol (adrenal stress hormone) level, which I had tried to get the other lady to do. And guess what? It's high. Equals sick. Some more test results to try to narrow things down yet haven't come in. Maybe tomorrow. Depending on those, I might finally get to go see an endocrinologist.

She also had me try an elimination diet to try to see if specific foods were affecting me while we were waiting for my blood appointment. I had to cut EVERYTHING out of my diet except for "most" fruits and veggies (less than you would think). Except for, my meds contain wheat and shit, so since I couldn't cut that out, I ate pasta once and a few crackers because I was DYING. I was on it for less than a week, but it was tough. BUT, now I have more cravings for fruits and veggies instead of junk, and when I do have some snackies, I just eat a few instead of half the bag. Fruits and veggies are kind of expensive at the Co-op, which is most accessible to me, but worth it. I wanted to eat better this quarter, and I love strawberries and pears and cooked carrots with honey. Oh, and the produce boy is SO CUTE. I had heard stories about him for quite sometime (my friend had a class with him), but I thought that he couldn't possibly be that good looking. Well, he is. I don't think he'll remember that I met him, though. At the Obama party. Plus, I had pink hair then. He mentioned something about voting for Gore way back when, and we got to play dumb and go, "What?! No way! How old are you? You don't look that old." Oh, we knew that he was 26... Such dorky little girls.

So, I finally finished my worst lab stuff and had my last midterm. Thank goodness. Plus, like I said, I'm starting to feel a lot more normal, and have a lot more normal energy. I even got to see friends this weekend (I pretty much always said no before)! So things are looking up, at least until finals week...

But then... after that... I'm planning on filling my schedule with easy-ass classes. I'll have 3rd quarter biochem, research (which, I hope to catch up on!!!) and bullshit. I register tomorrow at 7:45 am. I'm seriously planning on taking PE 201 (something about studying health and wellness in society) and Music 104 (The Art of Listening to Music). I have heard from many sources that these are pretty much the easiest classes in the world. So, since I don't have other classes I desperately need to take, this will free up my schedule immensely.

Which is good for too many reasons to count.

Especially because I feel checked out of school right now. Ever since that last midterm.

And I have my mind on one all-important thing...

I'm going to see The Cure in Vegas next month! They're just playing Vegas and then Cochella, so Vegas is kind of a warm-up, kind of "for fun" show in a relatively small venue (tickets=$$$!). I've booked my flight, hotel, and everything. I'm going with my parents (yay!). They get to fly for free because of reward points. We were going to stay at my dad's friend's place, but I decided I wanted a hotel for more of a Vegas experience since I'm spending all of this damn money. Besides, I probably wouldn't be able to stay out all night at the clubs if I was staying at his house. It'll be easy to get a cab from the Palms to my hotel (Circus Circus) at 4:00 am and only have to wake my parents up...

I'm so excited. I've been researching what's allowed for carry-on (toiletries and stuff).

I've also been drawing and playing guitar since I got more energy and had less school.

However, I did't prepare for tomorrow's lab... it's not until 1:00, and I have to get up at 7:30 to register, but I'll probably want to sleep after that. I always push it--"I can sleep one more hour. I'll have time." Well, it took me longer than I thought to finish my homework today, and I ended up just doing homework through my first lecture. Crap. Especially because I was sick on Friday (horrible headache, and since I was feeling so well the night before, I overdid it a little). Even if I sleep until 10:00, I should have plenty of time to prepare for lab. But, I really need to research...

Okay, I'm done. This is too long. Because it's been too long. But since I have less school, and don't feel like doing the school that I have... maybe I'll come around more.
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