a post of fandom related type things

Feb 27, 2012 22:41

I've discovered I have the same problem with making Fringe gifs as I have with making Fringe icons: I don't know how to make them of anyone besides Olivia!
I know there are other characters on the show, I even like some of them (especially in season 1, which is the only season I can gif atm), but I have literally made gifs of Olivia just like turning around, as opposed to making any sort of gifs of anyone else actually doing something more action-y than looking around. I'm sure other people do interesting things on this show, I just tend to forget about it when I'm distracted by Olivia basically doing....anything at all.


And in other fandomy crap, Pretty Little Liars.

I know the girls are still in high school (I guess they're around 16-17 yrs old) but I still find the idea of a father-daughter dance creepy. However given that it's PLL and like 75% of the things that happen on that show are really creepy in one way or another, it's not terribly surprising.
Also I so expected Hannah's asshole dad to show up at the dance with her step sister after he bailed on her. Either way though, she's better off. There is a really strong competition for which of the dads is the absolute worst of the four of theirs (I suppose Emily's is the least worst, but he's mostly an absent dad).

And Mona and Melissa way to both be all sketchy and suspicious seeming, as usual. Although I sort of love Mona, which is not something I really expected would ever happen at the beginning of this show. But then again Hannah is my favorite which I also would not have predicted at the beginning. (Mostly I just had trouble telling the four of them apart for like half of the first season)

This entry was originally posted at http://ghanimasun.dreamwidth.org/296616.html.

fringe, pretty little liars

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