shitty icon meme

Oct 23, 2011 14:58

Snagged from naushika. Enjoy!

I only started making icons in 2010, so I've not had much time to improve drastically. But I'm doing this anyway because I might be amused by it. Also because I'm putting off actual icon making I should be doing now!
I started making icons in Queer as Folk fandom thanks to insanejournal. I haven't been over there in about a year though, but it holds some of my beginning icon attempts.

let's make fun of ourselves!

ICON #1: When It All Began

Your First Shitty Icon
Uh. yeah.

ICON #2: Just Slap Some Text On There!

The Unnecessarily Wordy Icon
I had to put lyrics on an icon for a challenge. I didn't generally put text on icons unless it was specified for the challenges I was doing.

ICON #3: It Doesn't Matter What It Says

The Unreadable Font Icon
This was for a tiny text challenge. I didn't know how to do it (not saying I do now) so I just wrote random shit and made the text super tiny.

ICON #4: It Just Needs A Little Something...

Severe Texture Abuse
I have a lot of these actually, but I think I used a number of textures on this one.

ICON #5: But Everyone Else Is Doing It!

The Shameful Trendwhore Icon!
Not sure if this is really a trend one, but I was trying to do a fancy crop I think. It didn't work.

ICON #6: The Technicolor Nightmare!

The I-Don't-Know-What-I'm-Doing Coloring Icon!
I don't know. Bad colors.

I'm Trying!
Six Of My Most Recent Icons!

These aren't all necessarily my most recent, but they're ones I've done somewhat recently that I actually like. A lot of my recent icons suck almost as much as those older ones do. I'm a slow learner I guess :)

meme, icons

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