farscape_land challenge thingy

Jul 30, 2011 22:42

For a challenge in farscape_land where we had to put Farscape characters into the universe of other shows.

While on an extended leave from Moya, Rygel finds himself alone in a transport pod and ends up on a space station called Babylon 5, filled with tons off aliens he's never seen before. Not one to be worried about things like this, Rygel finds a casino and begins gambling. Not long a regular named Londo Mollari spots the unfamiliar alien and that begins a never ending rivalry.

After getting caught temporarily for stealing, Amy and The Doctor are helped in escape by a strange gray alien named Chiana. To the Doctor's deep annoyance Chiana and Amy get along extremely well. This alliance leads them all into getting into even more trouble than is usual for the doctor.

While stranded in a parallel universe Olivia meets an intriguing woman named Aeryn who is also stuck with no idea how to return to where she belongs. While Olivia and this strange woman try to figure their way to their respective homes, Aeryn falls in love with a man named John and Olivia has to work to keep them together.

Team Torchwood comes across a new and strange alien when they meet Sikozu. After interrogating and imprisoning her as a threat to the government, Sikozu escapes. Gwen and Jack now find they have to help Sikozu survive when a rogue organization tries to capture her for their own nefarious plans.


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