May 15, 2007 13:09
yup. i didn't realize that i've been living here in dubai for more than five months. and it has been a roller-coaster ride. one time you're up and happy, the next you're so depressed. they say it takes time to get used to living in another place. and they were right, of course.
so, what's happening here in the desert? aerosmith will have a concert at the end of the month. but i have no plans to see it. much as i want to watch it, i have no stamina to brave the heat. and with the expected attendees, i would rather stay home and go online.
yup, heat controls my life. i came from the tropics, but at least, the heat there is bearable. here? it's dry and hot. and they told me it will get worse in the next few months. it's so hot that i'm thinking of skipping the launch of a cosmetic product tonight. i'm sending our photographer there anyway, so i think i won't be missed. and i don't know anything about make-up and fashion. so no harm done.