(no subject)

Apr 04, 2006 11:52

So the servers are down, sadness. But it gave me time to work on balancing out horse feeds (assignment for class). It is such a nice day out I did my hw outside next to the recently fallen tree in my backyard. That nasty T-storm that riped through my area tore up this poor tree. So now it lays next to the fallen apple tree (apple tree fell down last year). My yard is getting thin on trees!

Once Tiff gets home I will be going to work. As everyone knows, I don't consider my work really 'work'. More like paying to have playtime. Love working with horses.

Also, earlier this week I felt like I entered the 1920s or something. I took my riding shoes to a shoesmith...craftsman...that title given to craftsman in the repair-shoes trade. This guy is like a living relic of older times, when shoes were not sold in giant superstores. Anyway, the guy has his little place in downtown Crystal Lake and it was small, smelled of leather and metal, it was quaint. He had a thick spanish accent and my mom could not understand him. I managed to understand him. I am thankful to Rojelio and some of the other spanish-speaking guys I knew over the past summer. Thanks guys!

Bowling on Sunday was a bit boring without Stephi there. In fact it wasn't boring, it was down right dull. No one get mad at me for saying that :-P But there is clearly two groups of friends and Stephi manages to amaze everyone by bring those two groups together at a social event.

I am still working on my novel. Although I have to admit I only work on it on Tuesdays. Hmm...wonder why that is? lol World of warcraft, anybody?

Well, that is all for now. Hope I update sooner rather than later.
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