soccer soccer soccer

Jun 26, 2008 23:41

Spain beat Russia in the semi-finals. The whole freakin' country is going crazy (I heard in the radio it's been 24 years since we last went to a semi-final, let alone a final.

The amount of red and yellow I've seen laltey would have sufficed to paint London's buses, and get them some suns and flowers too. Maybe I'm not in the soccer-crazy mood or something, because I really don't get it.

Anyhow, Germany's up next. Aera, dear... your country will probably win ;)

You Are Chopsticks

People see you as exotic, unusual, and even a bit intimidating.

You are a difficult person to figure out.

In truth, you try to live a very simple life.

But most people are too frenzied to recognize the beauty of your simplicity.

What Utensil Are You?

This other one I took as an after-thought

You Are Clogs

You are a solid and down to earth person.

You seek – and almost always achieve – a really sound balance in your life.

You are stylish yet comfortable. Mellow but driven. Excited yet calm.

You are the perfect mesh of contradictions.

No matter what happens, you have the ability to stay well grounded in your life.

People know that they can truly depend on you.

You should live: In Europe

You should work: At a company dedicated to helping the world

What Kind of Shoe Are You?
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